
Cut back on Marvel and DC books and get this.

Pope's art is stuff you flip through and go, "Huh?" and then you read it and experience it, I guess, and it clicks with you and then it shoots up to being some of your favorite work — well, that was my experience anyway.. My first exposure was "Batman: Year 100" and that's a pretty solid jumping on place, too, since,

Being in a relationship where we both read comics make every week a heavy week. 
I had:Batman 24 — which was fantastic and the best issue I read this week. It's just everything I love about Snyder/Capullo's run and the final burst of excitement and action from the long fuse of 21, 22, and 23.

Oliver Sava, this might be one of the best Big Issues you've chosen and written about.

It is. Pope had just finished YEAR 100 (which is fantastic and probably a good way to access Pope's work if you haven't read it before because Batman) and was pitching these other ideas. A DC executive rejected it because, in that person's mind, kids comics were Scooby-Doo.

"The Bunker" is a really great book, too. (It also introduced me to "20th Century Boys".) It's the first thing I've read from Fialkov and so I dunno if that gives me a misguided view of the rest of his work (especially because my boyfriend didn't have nice things to say about "I, Vampire," which is the only other book

I enjoyed the first issue of "Sex Criminals" quite a bit as well. And though it's too early to say anything, I think it's Fraction's second most solid effort. After "Hawkeye."

Oh man! I forgot about Savage Wolverine. What a great book to look at.

Except for "God is Dead."

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus I think Simone is best at slice-of-life kind of stuff — so when Barbara dons the costume it's generic and forgettable, but there's something better when she's lounging around and talking with her roommate or about to go on a date with Robbie or whatever. 
It's better than

Agree with @avclub-97d6c074b974838257db17a02f8784c4:disqus


Oh! And I'm pretty fond of "Batman/Superman" thus far. And "Unchained" is a goofy, fun Supes story. And goddammit, if Simone hasn't been pulling it around on "Batgirl." That title is always strongest when she's writing Barbara and since she shucked the Bat or whatever, it's hitting some quality levels. I mean, it's

DC proper, right?

I forgot my winky face: ;)

Between my books and my boyfriend's:

You forgot "Batman" in the list of DC's best titles, Sava, but otherwise:

Had a huge week myself, because a good portion of my favorite titles dropped this week, between my books and my boyfriend's books.

Of all the ones I read or flipped through, First Born was one that seemed worth its salt — probably because Azzarello made it a part of his story.

DC published this EGO & OTHER STORIES book from Darwyn Cooke, which has "Ego," and the best Catwoman story I've yet read: "Selina's Big Score."