
No no no, the one that had me rolling was Walt Jr.'s obvious glee and awe at seeing Saul Goodman at their car wash.

Azzarello was saying in an interview that he and Chiang are following the exact outline they pitched to the editors and was green lit, and that he's done nothing to surprise them.

You'd think that! I mean, DC could use some good publicity, right?

@avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus Which was what I said. There are people who legitimately will not connect with his work, and that's fine. Maybe the way he approaches a scene or renders dialogue or sets the tone just is at odds with you. And that's a decent reason to not like someone's writing. I

@avclub-5fd14fc7a83b79e976652d8c4abecc78:disqus I'd say Johns has been driving toward Forever Evil since the beginning of the New52, though.

I know you're no Snyder Batman fan, but I agree with you on Wonder Woman.

I liked the pull-list feature too. But ifanboy was practically a police state. You couldn't say anything political — though many comics are political — or religious — though since superheroes make up our Mount Olympus there's a lot of religious imagery and parallels. Having the no racism/homophobia/xenophobia/general

"Batwoman", I thought, always had great art, and an interesting plot, but not great storytelling. JHW III tends to over-narrate. It reached some ridiculous levels in the "Worlds' Finest" arc (or whatever it was called) with Wonder Woman and Batwoman, where the narration went to Kate, Maggie, Medusa, Killer Croc, and

10% seems to be the standard discount from what I've seen.

I agree that many of the Marvel books I've browsed are a lot of fun.

Are you talking about "Beware the Creeper"? I can't remember who wrote it, but Cliff Chiang drew it, and it's been on my radar.

You know, @avclub-61e626641b507015d1d403d2ecdd02fb:disqus we repeat these same titles week after week, but it always feels like rampant blind brand loyalty wins out. Even if they are part of a corporation, these are still creative endeavors and to follow a title based on the logo on the corner is the laziest,

I agree @avclub-61e626641b507015d1d403d2ecdd02fb:disqus . He has a strong control and understanding of the character, and each of his stories don't feel the same — you know, from the actiony Court of Owls to the thriller Death of the Family, to whatever Zero Year is right now.

I love Batmobile stories and I love Sean Murphy and that was what brought me to the book.

Look, I like a lot of DC's stuff. But this Villain's Month think is so incredibly lame. It's just…stupid.


Marvel has a better PR department. And people who have the ability to keep their editorial mandates, directives, and dictations under wraps.

@avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus @avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus I'm not saying anything against the three-arc structure at all. I mean, as a creator, you have to do whatever's best for the story you're telling. But what I find myself drawn to are the creators who want to make these huge


I'm on 10 or 11, I think. One of the stores in my city is so small that the racks only hold the latest issue, and then there's all these long boxes of comics about a month old that only run $2. That's usually how I've been picking this one up. But I'm going out of town for the weekend and 15 is the end of an arc, so I