
I think it's hitting a lot of the conventional notes without any knowledge or regard for why it's doing it as well.

You mean Hades?

I read MIND MGMT, which was great, as it typically goes, although it's frustrating to have to wait month to month for these slow burning stories to unfold.

Wonder Woman.

I hate CBR so so so much. I think their reviews are lazy and superficial, often as if they read maybe half the issue before they decided to type something up. I used to use them for like updates and stuff, but then most of the other blogs I follow end up linking to or addressing those updates themselves, so I never

I didn't know this had premiered already!

Best book of the week: WONDER WOMAN.

@waxlion:disqus I dunno if they leaked. I probably meant "dropped."

I'm so so so excited for it.

Michelle MacLaren.


I made the mistake of reading BATMAN right after reading SAGA (which was great, and kind of bold that it didn't just fill in the gaps of the cliffhangers, it went back further, in the story's chronology, to bring other characters up to speed; I also switched over from reading it digitally to reading it in actual

You know, from the bad Les Grossman impersonation to the bad sampling to the very pretty boys, I thought that music video was from Bel Ami. 

Lemire had a great week last week — from his Green Arrow story, which is morphing into a really fun adventure story, to Trillium, which I'm super excited to see play out.

@avclub-9a395ceaaad37c03a10af45ea1d07abc:disqus I'll check to see if my library has those! Thanks!
I have Andy Diggle/Jock's Green Arrow Year One. Just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I think it's one of those cases where even if the story goes blah, Jock's pencils can keep some momentum. But Diggle/Jock are

I don't know. I've never read any other Green Arrow comic. Save for a couple issues of Dennis O'Neill's 70s stuff.

Loved Trillium too. The scope, the mystery, and the art.

@avclub-7f720bbf75ca938c6adcb570530a0ce4:disqus I think they only looked at the first five or six issues.

Seconded on The Invisibles. Especially because I'm reading it now for the first time.

But he doesn't dismiss it. He acknowledges its influence and importance and the things that it does right, but he admits it's not the kind of book he's attracted to or what he wants out of comic books.