
But Vertigo managed to climb out of the rut. Or are in the process of doing so.

@avclub-d4ab2732ed8ac6a4b2d9734cf4c851d2:disqus But not all the stories are half-baked. That's always been my point. And if you support the good ones, then those guys can continue producing the good stuff. 
At both Marvel and DC, we're dealing with giant corporations going for synergy. Marvel is trying push their toys

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Right. "Red Hood Gang". Just…ew.

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Saying that Year One isn't the product of something rings…hollow and dismissive to Year One to me. 
I think the reason why Year One works is because it took a look at what was going on around the country and made a character and a story that would allow for someone like

@avclub-9024f9f0a80d2d248c7c6efb2e715c37:disqus What endless rehashes? Zero Year is the first time DC has OK'd a Batman origin story. And despite being about how Batman became Batman, it obviously has different ambitions and goals than Year One.

I'm with @avclub-61e626641b507015d1d403d2ecdd02fb:disqus on his New 52 thought.

Along with Wonder Woman Earth One and Multiversity, he has 18 Days is coming out, but I think that's a YouTube series.

But Year One is also a product of the 80s and 80 sensibilities and excess. And Frank Miller. (Though it's the best thing Frank Miller's ever produced.) And I'm sure there were people complaining that it too was unnecessary when it was being published.  

You know, it's kinda funny you bring this up under the Grant Morrison heading, because…

I did too.

At the same time, stuff like Damien's death wouldn't have had the same impact if it remained an Elseworlds story.

Snyder's Batman run is fantastic. It's unfortunate that it has to be the victim of the inevitable Snyder backlash, since "Superman Unchained" is a far weaker book thus far. (Though I like it, especially when Lois is on-panel.)

Look at that, del Toro. You save Hong Kong. China saves your movies.

You know, when it comes to Gail Simone, I sometimes wish she would ditch having to always do a huge, superpowered people meeting each other with superpowered punches plots. She is a really witty and fun writer, and I think some of the best moments, often the only good moments, in "Batgirl", for instance, are when the

When did that change? 2008?

This new arc is a good jumping on place: Kindt's doing 6 self-contained stories that I think are supposed to play out later. And No. 13 has a pretty accurate summary of everything that happened in 1-12.

I don't know why Oliver Sava is so hung up on a DC vs. Marvel approach because otherwise, I like what he writes about comics and what he notices in comics. Does "Young Avengers" have anything to do with DC? Not at all, unless you're comparing it to "Teen Titans" or something, but at least that's a thematic comparison

Of course, we all know what the REAL big and best issue of the week was: Matt Kindt's MIND MGMT.

I lucked out and got caught up in the Morrison Batman run when Barnes & Noble was having their Buy 2 DC Books Get 1 Free sale. 
So many books and no regrets.

I dunno. I'm 26 and enjoy this book a lot. But a good soap opera is a good soap opera. Hell, even Spike liked "Passions."