
I loved Konigsburg as a kid — and still appreciate her as an adult. I try to pass off Frankenwiler to as many students as I can. And when it connects with them and their imaginations or whatever, it's just a great thing to see.

Man. I love Batman Li'l Gotham. Gorgeous art. Sometimes the stories don't always land on their feet, but the art is consistently wonderful.

Issue 2 comes out tomorrow. I'm enjoying it so far.

I was excited to see Adventure Time get nominated.

I don't know what you're talking about, because the DC hardcovers seem to me to be a much higher quality than the Marvel ones, especially in the Deluxe Editions. The pages are better and don't feel like they're going to tear every time you turn them — Marvel books in general seem like they use thinner paper.

The Marvel movies exist by their fun standards for me, and I had more fun with THOR than either IRON MAN — though I had low expectations for both of them when I saw them.

I loved the hell out of three books I picked up this week:

I completely disagree, because I thought THOR was the best of the AVENGERS lead-up movies.

I don't think Batgirl is Simone's best work, or that Simone is the best comic book writer out there, but she is a lot of fun and I thought it was nice to see her name on the cover again.

I dunno. I was flipping through SAGA today and in the Sextillion chapter, there was a lot of people being blown. One of them was in a bunny suit.

The first "Bedlam" arc wrapped up this week. And when it resumes again, there's apparently going to be another artist. Though I liked Rossmo's scratchy style. It fit nicely.

Prince had probably done another stupid copyright infringement thing then too.

Whenever I hear a Prince story, I have to think back to Flamingo in Batman & Robin — the ridiculously flamboyant motorcycle villain whom Morrison made to mock the idea of Prince, who takes all these gay and glam things without thinking about the culture he effectively mocks.

I've recently started on the Claremont X-Men stuff from the 70s/80s. Dark Phoenix Saga so far is pretty great.

I really enjoyed YOUNG AVENGERS this week, even with it's lack of Kate Bishop, off fighting Skrulls with cute boys.

Read the Big Issues at the end of the week. They skewer more toward the Big Two houses and are mostly positive. (Though know the DC stuff is sometimes much better than Sava gives it credit for.)

I'd like to bring up Grant Morrison/Frank Quitely's "We3" here. Morrison purposefully set out to give his characters very base-line motivations, and have the plot be simple and momentous because then he and Quitely were given the opportunity to play with layouts and artistic styles and their ideas.

Isn't that the reason why Gaiman wrote 1602 and Eternals to begin with? And I think there's something similar going on with him working in the Marvel U right now as well, in that he wants Marvelman/Miracleman or whatever back, or at least back in the comic fans' attention.

The thing is, with people like Ryan North and The Oatmeal — and this applies to video bloggers as well — that it's not their content they're paid for, but for the merchandise they make, right? T-shirts and posters and coffee mugs and little bobbly-heads, things that don't cost a lot to make, aren't too expensive to

I like the In Rainbows distribution method, but it only really works for people who've already established themselves, doesn't it? I mean, I couldn't expect the same reaction out of any one of my comics or to even be successful with it — so this new thing on Comixology, Creators Submit, is interesting.