
I will always be an ardent defender of the ending to LOST, because it's a damn good conclusion that does everything this Rushkoff guy says it doesn't. The show was always a SAVE YOURSELF SAVE THE WORLD kind of show, and, you know, that's exactly what the characters had set out to do. You had the fights with Jack and

I'm partial to the dream sequence in "Bart Sells His Soul."

Jordo's claim seems odd too, since it was the New York Times that spoiled it for me on a Twitter update.

I read this and told my boyfriend: "Well, I'm going to have to catch up on Batwoman to get to this issue."

The AV Club football team is a fantasy football team involving the characters from Friday Night Lights.

I keep picking up Batman & Robin every month it comes out, since the Annual and Death of the Family stuff, and I finally added it to my pull list. It's in my top 3 Batman titles — all of which have benefited from having a consistent writer/artist team: Morrison/Burnham, Snyder/Capullo, and Tomasi/Gleeson.

I would love to see anything new with this Pushing Daisies crew. It stands as one of my favorite TV shows.

Strongly disagree.

I didn't lose them on my iPad, just on the online reader.

I don't use Guided View on everything, because I noticed on "Saga" that it crops off a little bit of the frame.

I agree!

When North breaks his panels a lot — like in 10 with the CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE TIME — it's a bit more difficult to read it digitally, I think. But Kaboom! definitely uses great paper and the colors are just so vivid and wonderful and yes.

As far as I can think, the only guy truly objectified in all of comics is Dick Grayson.

I'm an avid Comixology user. The Guided View thing, though imperfect, is sometimes a great way to experience a comic. Mark Waid has a couple digital titles that use the format pretty well. And I think "Hawkeye" with all its little panels finds a great rhythm with the technology. And "Saga" is downright gorgeous. (It

Look at him next to those One Direction boy, Mr. Capwne.

So I'm reading this book which is basically about a Bieber-character called "The Love Song of Jonny Valentine." And in it, it theorizes that nothing is ever candid, because nothing about this world is authentic, including situations like this. I have the feeling that this was rehearsed six or seven times because now

Of course, can't we compare it to TV networks or something? Like I hate most CBS programming, but I still watch "The Good Wife" and "Person of Interest" and "Hawaii Five-Oh" (because it's a big dumb action show with a fun theme).

I feel that if DC and Warner Bros gets over themselves and allows Batman to be on TV, Batman Incorporated could be a super-awesome program.

I am so glad 30 Rock ended on such a high note, and had an ending to build up toward.