Matt Saywell

Absolutely a leadership issue. But also, everything about this Truck reeks of “Just get it out there, I don’t care anymore!” desperation.

To be fair, the market doesn’t seem all that excited about the actual electric F-150 either.

Yeah, if this was a first product, we’d excuse all these problems that Cybertrucks are having. We get it. Making cars is hard. Rivian and Lucid get passes. But it’s been over a decade, 4 models, and several facelifts of the same platforms. Having that many problems on on a product that likely uses parts-bin components

The Cybertruck is going to be a business school case study for the next 100 years.

The future of ugly, broken-down trucks is NOW.

At least your truck “looks like the future” ... on a tow truck.

Tesla really rushed these trucks out, what a nightmare.”

Opps, it looks like editing the wikipedia years after the fact didn’t change reality that you all are racists POS and your world view is wrong.

No they aren't tired because there is a lot of money to make by being so reactionary. 

They really are sad. They get their jollies from “triggering” or “owning” people, or from “boycotting” anything that offends their fragile senses, but I usually just end up feeling pity for them.

Yea, I’m truly baffled right now, but maybe I shouldn’t be?

Gamer-gate was a test-run for fascist strategies online, and this time next year it’s very possible that this country will be under a fascist dictatorship. That’s why we’re still “in this era.”

My favorite qoute about being “woke” came from Howard Stern of all people, and I’ll all for it:

Yeah, they’re a bit of lost causes. Fearful of a world they feel they deserve to own from within their mother’s basement and behind a keyboard.

I just can’t believe we’re still in this ‘gamer-gate’ era of bullshit because of these sad pathetic boys with their chauvanistic, racist ideals that ANGERY because they aren’t 100% being catered to. And their usage of the term ‘woke’ is just as pathetic.’s ironic that they’ve co-opted a black term in the

When they proclaimed that football was too woke I knew for certain they had really jumped the shark

Aren’t these reactionary nerds tired of this? Isn’t this life exhausting? This can’t be fun, can it? Just a constant state of anxiety and paranoia in a hobby that’s supposed to be relaxing. This just seems like such an awful, shitty way to live. I mean....yes, if you’re a streamer/content creator, the anti-woke

being a conservative/reactionary gamer sounds miserable, not allowed to enjoy anything, wouldn’t want to be woke.

I get super gamer gate vibes from this entire community and the level of moronic conspiracy is just bogglingly stupid. In a few comments against a YongYea video I saw people claiming that Sweet Baby developed over 90% of Suicide Squad. It’s so incredibly stupid that it make my head physically hurt

Hold on wait... Are you saying when morediverse” people are involved in the creative process... they end up with more diverse results? B-but wait... Video games are products with target audiences, right? Are you trying to tell me that other people than me, have money and therefore are also part of that target?