Matt Saywell

“It was known”

Call me crazy, but wouldn’t anyone who had any dealings with Epstein, regardless of context or anything, get very uncomfortable now when asked about them? Maybe I’m naïve but it seems like this doesn’t exactly indict Gates of anything other than feeling queasy about even knowing the guy.

Seriously, Apple is just wrong here. The 3.5mm jack remains extremely useful and functional. Getting rid of it is dumb, bonkers, and will be defended by legions of idiots all the same. But honestly, crippling a universal standard on your devices is not courage, it’s just dickish.

Makes me want to kick them in the dongle.

The issue is large companies and schools. This settlement only allows them to claim 1 time even if they bought a 100s of ps3s. And yes there are paid for versions of Linux like red hat.

Good thing I’ve been snapping pics of all my devices running all versions of all operating systems for the past decade. Let me just pull up my online forum contribution database and...yep...there it is. $55, please.

I used it and was pissed when they removed it, but I sure as hell didn’t take a picture of myself running it. Looks like they essentially found a way to appease the lawyers without actually paying out as I’m guessing my case will be the same as almost everyone else’s.

Yikes. I work at a software company and have been in heavy conversation with the security development team more than a few times to help them improve how they do things, and although we don’t condone our customers reverse-engineering our software, when it’s happened and they’ve produced a bug that’s security-related

“Full HD” is generally meant to be 1080p in marketing speak.

Why must you resort to name-calling? Does it somehow make you feel important? It rarely impresses anyone.

Why the need to be a dick about it? Just point it out and move on.

Risk is not an absolute, it should be assessed in relation to gain. So...

@Rutty14: That's what you don't understand at all. There's much more to it than making decisions. You actually have to actively investigate areas, walking around and looking for clues.

@Shykin: whats on youtube is nothing like the game. their are millions of decisions that all effect the game

@ppppp: not really.

@Shykin: Considering there is a lot more to this than what you see here, that is a false assumption, sir.

@Rutty14: Eh, there's a whole lot more content here than your average movie. It's like a very very very long, incredibly interactive, movie, with many different branching paths you can take.

@herogear: Eh. It seems pretty diminutive of the actual videogame. I mean, you could do exactly the same thing with Mass Effect or Dragon Age if you were to remove the fights and such..... but would it be the same experience? Not at all! Same goes for these Heavy Rain youtubes.

These videos don't do the game justice. In a way, they could possibly turn a person away by making them think that this game could just be substituted by clicking different decisions. Heavy Rain is alot more than just decision making decisions.