
Yeah. Not a bad person, just clueless. I think in all of this bruhaha, the message about wage inequality overall is being lost.

I was just in Tulum and it was fine. So was Mexico City 6 months ago. But I wouldn't go wandering around the countryside by myself.

I wish NYT would stop calling actresses ugly.

I'm sure that's true. But I just interviewed several prospective legal interns and two were openly trans. Plus, you know the Ivies love that shit. I think you will see more young lawyers who are already identifying as trans when they arrive at big law firms than those who are going through the process later in

I love "stuffs." It's cute and expressive.

Sad that he doesn't use Hernandez. I thought he was a rando white dude and would have been psyched to support him in Llewyn Davis or whatever that was called.

Who says we don't? This post is about Rihanna though. (Though my jury's out on Amal, I love Elizabeth Warren so much I would clean her house for free.)

I want to bask in her glory. Shine your light upon me, Rih! Seriously. I would drop everything.

Agreed, agreed. Lilo and KK don't go around proclaiming to be feminist whilst presenting an unattainable standard of beauty to young women. To me, once Bey started exploiting feminism as a branding strategy, I lost respect.

That's SF living. I have seen grosser, more hostile, and more annoying stuff on public transportation in SF/Bay Area than literally anyplace else. I live in NYC and ride the subway often. People do not do that shit here, I'm telling you.

I know cuz I've seen it! haha. Ever watched Girls?

I think it's a great dress, probably more so in person. Doesn't look like it's photographing well.

I find the woman in the foreground of the the Garfield/Stone pic to be more interesting than either of them.

But would it be "Playboy-themed"? I mean, I think that's the gross part here (to me). Not that they let the kids get drunk together. I can't imagine too many PR parents who are all "sure, daughter, go have a sex-themed lingerie party and I'll pay for it."

OR "she learns how to enjoy life again as a single woman NOT looking to trap a man, but with true autonomy."

Thank you for this nuanced comment - I think that's what a lot of white people here are asking: which POC opinion do I follow? Mostly I think the answer is stay quiet, support with money, reposting, or by adding your number to a protest. When in a position of power, use your discretion thoughtfully and question your

I hear what you're saying. Isn't it also appropriate to recognize that there is not a monolithic "black response" to things? There may be one person criticizing your efforts, and another person who reacts in a very different way. At some point, we all have to use our own best judgement, but the point is to keep our

Except that the article is explicitly about "good white people," so maybe it is a little bit about her this time? I know what you mean, though.

You have fallen into an internet trap. Don't move, it will pass.

Oh, I missed the part where she was asking for a prize.