
THIS. Many of us experience this "did that person do that because of x or because of y" thing, so we do know what she's talking about. I am a woman (a white Latina), and often in my life I experience microaggressions from well-meaning men who think they aren't sexist. It sucks to be wondering all the time if I

I have worked with people who thought I was a dick, but honestly, they weren't very good at their jobs! And we each thought the other person was a dick. I really think that people everywhere should just worry more about getting shit done than who said what in the break room.

You're really trying to argue that the police should have assumed it was a toy. As I said, irrelevant. They could have instructed him to place it on the ground, or taken more time to assess the situation. I AGREE WITH YOU. Go pick on someone else.

Um, I agree with you. Theoretically, though, when a toy gun looks like a real gun, the police are warranted in treating the situation as though the person has a real gun. Not sure they had cause to shoot, but I'd say the fact that the gun was fake is irrelevant if it looks like a real gun. If as you say the cops

I'm not surprised to hear that about Tamir Rice - who lets their kid play with a fake gun that looks like a real one? Without knowing more about the circumstances though (more than whether the kid was nice and displayed good judgement), I can't say whether I think it was a good shoot. Whether he was a good kid and

So true, and they all think the girls are coming on to them. Blech!

They are also classic in the "being a teenage girl" sense. There were always gross predators lurking around the edges of any situation (school, parents' friends, friends' parents, camp counselors, not to mention guys on the subway or in the park or at parties....). It keeps coming out because in some ways his

Did anything happen to Rush as a result? Also - I don't know what she is talking about re: dressed for a bar. They are wearing sweaters and plaid, and one of them has her hair in a bun. But then, this is DC, right?

Something tells me that she would not have posted those things if the Prez and his daughters were white. That's the kind of entitlement that racism breeds - on some level, she probably didn't think it was possible to get in trouble for insulting them.

She kinda does.

More like "daughter of a hedge fund manager."

Yes, I thought that too. I was waiting for the part when a girl told her mother off and was then a random person came along and brutally beat her.

THIS: I'm a Creole woman and while Black and Latino men are more likely to acknowledge me on the street (and in neighborhoods of color I've noticed people just tend to talk to each other more, for better or worse), by far the most jarring, proprietary experiences—the ones I'd firmly and unequivocally define as

Yea, I'm that way too. I mean, though, if one partner is super into getting dressed up all the time and going out to fancy dinners and the other is really not, there might be larger incompatibilities at play. Or maybe not? I am single.

Also, if he hates fancy restaurants and she loves them so much, maybe they are incompatible?

Yes, while I know that opposites attract, sometimes you're just not well matched.

Chica. Oh. First of all congratulations on giving birth and getting back to exercise so soon! It's probably good for you in ways that aren't apparent yet.

I get that it's annoying, but I'm sure you are making some tailors very happy. I am pretty much "average" sized, but when I can fit into an XS, I know something is off!

Yeah, there's something about the fabric that looks like my abuela's curtains. Like, a really nice version of those curtains.

Thanks! I met a really cool guy recently, but when I was traveling, so who knows if we'll recreate the magic at any point. I'm all for walking away and hanging out with my cat if something's not what I'm looking for. In my age group, a lot of men are divorced or divorcing, which leaves an imprint. I'm looking for