
It's true. There are all kinds of weirdos on Tinder. And people who should be interesting but aren't! But still, you might randomly meet an awesome person. Like in life. What's also funny are the pending responses to you here. Message: you should be happy that we men are paying attention to you and not have such

I like how you write. But as a woman in my late 30s-early 40s, I can absolutely say it pleases me to see my age-bracket sistas holding up these outfits. Awesome to see those old ladies still werking it, but seeing women my age up there actually makes it feel like less of a stigma to be who I am. In the world at

This kind of person is fascinating to me. A former friend of mine is like that. She wasn't fully present a lot of the time. Also, I am much more introverted and would go crazy if I kept up that kind of social schedule. I am a very good cat mommy.

Very nicely said.

I don't know who these people are either. Most of my childfree friends are happy to spend time with parents and would never say anything so mean to parent friends. But as a professional woman, I HAVE been addressed about my childlessness by co-workers who think I'm sad to be childless. I don't ooh and aah over

You really have to overdue it often to get wrinkles prematurely.

I don't "look down" on my friends. And if my friends "look down" on me they can go fuck themselves.

They are both so gross.

They usually are. In this case I wouldn't be opposed to the protesters throwing things, but the anarchist crowd are just playing "revolution." Remember when they started shit in Oakland during Occupy protests? Wish someone would arrest THEM. But they get away with this crap because they're white. how ironic.

Especially the ones who say she doesn't look human. It's the overthetopness of it. She's pretty, but jeez, I see prettier black women in Brooklyn all the time.

Those men probably weren't qualified either.

As a junior associate with heavy supervision. Let's be real.

This upset me: "Maybe I was being uptight, prudish, missish, unrealistic." SO WHAT? Girl, you don't have to be down with dick pics, sleep with anyone who asks, or enjoy compulsive meaningless sex to be sexually free and adventurous. It's the men that sold us that bill of goods. You can define your own boundaries

YES. That's what I was thinking. I've been on some pretty bad dates but not any that turned on a dime from charming to creepy just like that. Warn that friend! And consider his or her judgment.

Yeah. I don't know who that guy is.

Judging from their recent hiring practices, Tiger Beat.

Cumberbatch especially freaks me out. And any jerky white guy who looks like he was in a frat I just assume to be a date rapist, so...bring on the biracial guys covered in tattoos please.

What are you going on about? He's not pretending anything. How old are you, 15? The new Jezebel, jeez.

Snore...zzzzzz That was hardly body snarking.