
Hope the Catholic church is also offering free tuition and pay raises to employees with kids!

Hope you don't talk to your kid like that. :)

Who said anything about forcing parents to do anything? Apparently, according to you parents are entitled to impose their inadequate parenting on everyone else because parents are unassailable and children are little gods? No, I'm talking about the existence of remedies for the situation. It's your choice not to

That's terrible, and makes me realize that I've never seen an Indian takeout place in a US airport. For shame! I hope you have better friends now.

Well, but shouldn't they have some dramamine on hand? Screaming children are just awful.

French fries. McDonald's. Can we agree on that?

They do it all the time! I refuse to check my bag because some asshole took my overhead space.

I hear that this is painful and sucks. You know what though? "Affluent BK" is pretty goddamn white. Complaining that people think you're the nanny without acknowledging the very real social and economic inequality that underscores that question is kind of tone deaf to these ears (that are mixed and probably can't

Also because a lot of these folks are foreign born and the AIDS funders like to pretend there is no undocumented population living with AIDS. What I hear all the time is "it's too complicated," and "we don't do that." Better to fund conference calls with the same 12 dorky and unfunny policy wonks who replicate each

So now it seems that all the women are writing in to say how un-needy they are. Doesn't this underscore the negative stereotype?

YEah, and the makeup is too much. She has always been gorgeous, I feel like the mainstream is just now figuring that out!

Exactly. I think she's punking Miley and the whole industry.

I think I dated that guy too.

Hipsters are the WORST neighbors. The no eye contact thing is amazing. Even in the elevator. It must take a lot of effort to be that aloof. I actually think its a Midwestern trait - something cultural about space and interacting with strangers. Native NY hipsters are much nicer.

I thought that was funny, but only as a punny name. It's only a matter of time now before it becomes a thing.

You misunderstand. I was responding to "many women who find themselves alone or mentally ill want a child because they want that responsibility. She may have truly believed that she was able to change, she may have believed that a child would really give her some true happiness, and the sad fact is that she is not

All of what you're saying is very sympathetic, but it's also very self-oriented. What about considering what kind of life she could give a child? That's the consideration that Yardoz is advocating.

Hey, I agree with you. Our whole culture (including Jez) is so "OMG babies!!!" that it's very taboo to suggest that for this woman, having a child was probably not a rational choice and is not necessarily a social good.

Was just thinking she looks gorgeous. I don't think nose job.

He is so delicious.