
Yeah, I'm with you. But it's bold. But also - WHO IS SHE? Never seen/heard of her before Jezebel love and award show photos.

Maddox is 12! He's all peach fuzz and shiny forehead. Love it. And shoot, I like them and their family and that they do what they want and try to do it well. Godspeed Jolie-Pitts.

Thank you for that bit of Riggins candy. And I don't believe the Ryan/Rachel rumors, I heart Eva Mendes.

Is bush really back? I hope so, it was so gross when everyone was obsessing over pubes.

You're not criticizing her body. Nor are you being insulting. Sheesh. It's alright to say you don't like someone's tattoo without being harassed by the bodysnark police. I feel like ink is body art, meant to be considered as such. The exchange between you and the other woman about the actual tattoo was actually

And this is why I never found a boyfriend when I lived in Williamsburg. I'm basically not white or suburban enough. Thanks for clarifying!

Haha! Well, in this current round of dating, I'm veering away from white (Euro) men for similar reasons. I'm just finding myself bored with the white suburban transplant demographic.

Yeah, you're right. It's more feminine and the dominant ones I find to be less fearful of women's bodies in a way, although that seems counterintuitive. I've been losing weight because of exercise and I'm kind of going to miss that fan base.

I have been getting lots of guys who want to dominate me. I wonder if it's the Latina thing!

Me too! Maybe we should date, ha. I have often wondered about this; I think it's because Latin folks in NYC are either more recent immigrants and/or less integrated socially because of color. Lots of Latinos in the West are of mixed heritage or appearance and have been present for longer than those states existed.

Please don't cop out because of awkwardness. Since I changed my ethnicity on OKC from "other" to "Latin," the white men will look but not message. It's so bizarre since in every other way I'm a white hipster from NYC. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I said that I was Jewish or just "white," if the response


Yes! And also, I feel like asking those sex maniac guys why are they on the site when they can just go to Bushwick and wade through the hipster (w)hordes to find some dumb "designer" from Ohio to do whatever.

It really is like that.

Que? Should they say "hip hop" or are you just kind of racist?

So true. That was the same for me. Me and him had completely different ways of looking at the thing. But I still think I needed to say it for me.

For her sake I hope she doesn't pick up on your ambivalence towards her looks. I usually think the people I'm in love with are gorgeous even if they're not perfect Brad Pitt pretty boys.

But that's so arrogant, to impose "your way" on everyone else. Someone perhaps should give her some feedback. Her kids are going to have a lot of problems processing their anger it sounds like.

I just did the angry email thing with an ex, and he used it to turn himself into a victim. But I'm STILL glad I sent them, because I'm glad he had to suffer through reading my vitriol and know that he hurt me - he'll think about it for a long time I'm sure. It's too easy to let these guys off the hook with "no

That seems so passive aggressive to me. If she knows it bothers you, why do it unless she kind of gets off on needling you in this way.