Isn't there some kind of middle ground between corny and abusive control freak? There is generally a continuum of sexy, it's not all dork versus bad boy.
Isn't there some kind of middle ground between corny and abusive control freak? There is generally a continuum of sexy, it's not all dork versus bad boy.
I know. I have never dated a Michael. Or a Chris!
I really like Bikram. I think it's because my studio is awesome (not telling you where). I like the repetitiveness, the meditation that's involved in doing repetitive poses in hot hot heat. Some instructors are super drill-sergeant-y, but I avoid those. Basically any kind of exercise can result in injury. I try…
But she sees it that way. And that's fine.
Thanks for the nuanced discussion of friend zone. As a woman who was friendzoned at a particularly vulnerable time this past year by someone I really cared for, I'd also like to point out that sex is not only about conquest - for either men or women who've been friendzoned - sometimes it's actually about more than…
I went to a party once with my super-hot boyfriend, and I was going through a chubby phase. There were a couple of younger, hotter girls at the party who were all over him at first, then I saw them being told that I was his girlfriend and they gave me the most confused looks. It was awesome, but also kind of awful.
below your standards physically? Or in other ways, as in doesn't have her shit together or smokes or something. I'm giving you an out here, please take it.
My last relationship started in IRL, and I was so attached to the narrative that I overlooked the fact that he was manipulative, selfish, and needy - and played lots of games. So - I'm back to online dating, where at least the men you choose to date have got to put themselves out there a bit. Also, I had previously…
I used to call it "treasure trail." Don't remember where I heard it but it stuck!
Hooray for pubic hair! I wonder what would happen if we all posted pics of our unaltered selves in bathing bottoms. It would be like those topless Russian feminists but actually transgressive.
It's a really beautiful ass, and she's a beautiful woman. All the other stuff aside, I find this exchange between them kind of sweet.
And now hipsters are moving to former no-fly zones like West Oakland, and the white hipsters especially (are there any other kind in the Bay Area?) are being really annoying about soaking up all that authentic Black culture. Ugh. Keep your weather, Bay Area. You ain't what you was.
Also, the Moth podcasts often make me smile while I'm doing the thing that I hate to do.
You cannot be serious.
Thank you for saying this. I feel the exact same way.
I would be grossed out from the knowledge that he examined the space between my legs and thought it appropriate to mention. As a compliment no less! Do women really welcome this kind of attention?
Whoa, I can't believe he commented on that. What a weirdo! Has he never seen a woman? Thighs, we have them!
That's kind of badass.
Yeah, sometimes it's not a manipulative ploy but an actual manifestation of emotion. I need to regroup a bit or think about why I'm angry before I can hash it out usually.