Matt Ransom

This reads like an email to a professor asking for an extension.

If Millar's Shazam homage hits theaters before Shazam itself I will act petty about it for at least three years.

Ya couldn't just say "Bizarre Visitor"?

Now hold on a goddamn minute are they counting when Google Play was giving it for free not long ago?

Next Year On Great Job, Internet!

As much as I love Pacific Rim, I did always wonder why the studio fronted untold amounts of money for an idea so ludicrous.

Good God it's like he just rolled out of his living room.

And I get to cry about whatever I want.

Oh man check out this excellent topic about pop culture and entertainment media. This is the content I come here to read!

This feels like something Clickhole would do if they had a massive budget.

Supergirl is not their first. CBS aired the Superboy show in '88, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth.

Gotta up the ante. Luke loses his OTHER hand!

That Ravens@Browns call, whew.

I hope Doctor Strange can be About Something too.

Oh fuck he's actually gonna make The Jungle Movie.

This week's Behind The Scenes showed that the hand was originally gonna be in a cylinder and I'm glad we dodged that Doctor Who parallel.

Looks like Elroy found a way to make people visit LinkedIn.

I was very curious to see how they were gonna tie in all of the characters who have a symbol on the wheel.

Oh damn, did the production make him gain his weight back? That bums me right the fuck out.

If this is your pitch for Sports Club, I am 100% for it.