Matt Ransom

Try your luck:

I got bored and marked out every screening location as available from the movie's facebook page.

Sandman was the best part of Spider-Man 3!

This show frustrates me.

Everything this review is saying about reconciling the absurd with the grounded can be summed up in the final scene, where Ollie is brooding over the grave of another loved one while saying the name "Zoom" out loud. Then Barry super-speeds his way out of the shot.

So long as they don't waste time on a modern-day character waking up from this episode, I am happy.

Cartoon voices are typical for actors who are getting on in years.

"…he may as well be looking directly into the camera."

is anybody buying that this isn't a Sponsored Post?

That's pretty close.

If your serialized storytelling doesn't have a focused arc that drives the ensemble then you're just writing a fucking soap.

I hope they're referring to L as a "police officer" to maintain the surprise of what L actually is.

Wakfu never left Netflix so I can't really trust this list.

I really, really hope they can use this opportunity to tell the stories the movies are legally barred from. I want the animated adaptation of Annihilation, where they can use Galactus, Annihilus, and Super Skrull.

Cards on the table, I enjoy the new Hawaii Five-O and will probably watch this show's pilot.

Congratulations on finding the showbiz loophole you needed to cover this gossip bullshit.

Oh man I can't WAIT to watch shitty handicam footage because studios still think limited private screenings are the best way to spread the word about the thing they want millions of people to see.

I don't think Connie's mother is at all oblivious to Steven being an alien. Her obliviousness was with how Connie spends her time, which is absolutely believable because of the long hours at the hospital.

They answered your question in the article you didn't read.

Can you fairly call it "hidden" when it was advertised on their front page?