Matt Ransom

GC is better. Fight me.

He'd rather keep the Gamecube controller intact, to play video games.

You gotta turn in your TV reviewing badge if you're going to miss a flagrant L O S T reference like that.

It's for funsies.

It's a "nice piece" maybe if you have open malice for the original Flash.

Was it absolutely necessary to link the classic helmet to his mother's murder?

There would also be the stench of death. He had to be using some kind of dumbwaiter because there's no way you can enter a room of corpses and not know.

We knew this back in the henchman support group.

The change I'm noticing more and more is Brock's delight at all that's going on. He used to hate his job but every episode this season devotes some time to all the fun he's having.

That should read "Heisserer’s experience with Death personified and the cruel machinations of Destiny"

Oliver having to elaborate that John Constantine is in literal actual Hell made me laugh. There's something hilarious about how these characters fumble over explaining the fantastic. It's almost like parents trying to explain something their kid enjoys but they can't quite relate to it.

I agree now. I read your paragraph as though the rod were a stand-out of the Zelda franchise as opposed to a stand-out of Twilight Princess, but that clears it up.

Mother of God. Are there real flesh-and-blood human beings that gather weekly to discuss Season 27 of The Simpsons?

I like how Derrick forgot that the statue element is a carryover from Wind Waker and treats its return in Twilight Princess as A REVELATION IN GAME DESIGN, EFFECTIVELY MULTIPLIED HIS PRESENCE.

What has Ciara Renée been good in? I want to know why Oliver is making excuses for someone who's been consistently bad across her character's entire arc.

Preview clip over here.

I'm almost positive he was with a hippie commune at the beginning of Season 2.

You did not check if he uploaded the episode somewhere else. Here you go.

Could you imagine AV Club reviews of the old team comics this series draws from?

How do you put in all that work and then forget to put the network in the body of the article?