Matt of Sleaford

When the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) became such an overused plot point in 80s and 90s sci-fi and action films, I always used to wonder how they knew such a thing would really work. Then I read about the dozens (hundreds?) of these tests. It's small wonder even blood enemies like the U.S. and U.S.S.R. were able to

Try to track down some of the Bikini Atoll test footage. They dropped the bomb on groups of ships and you can see whole battleships being sucked up into the mushroom cloud by the blast.

I used to live in a very small town in northern Indiana whose major export was popcorn. I later found out that because it was the headquarters of a ball-bearing manufacturer, it was designated a primary bombing target by Germany, and later, the USSR. Moral of the story: you're probably not safe anywhere.

Did not know that. Gives even more context to why Kubrick chose the song, in addition to the lyrics.

The first episode was about as tepidly funny as the ads. The second picked up steam with a vengeance. The judge's name was a laugh-out-loud funny moment. But Sheri Shepherd is stealing the show.

I suspect it has something to do with overhead storage. Southwest boarding turns to chaos when people start putting their luggage in a front bin before walking back to their seat. But elimination of carry-ons (which I understand also save the airlines money) will never happen either.

I would imagine the easiest way to board would be to allow the people with seats in the back of the plane to board first. But since those are the crappiest seats, it would mean the people that paid the least take boarding priority. And that will never, ever happen.

John Ritter's early death was a terrible tragedy. But if he were still alive today, he'd probably be a wreck. All that physical comedy takes its toll, and Ritter was never one for half measures.

It was also where Jeffrey Tambor got his start, as the stuffy neighbor.

Not to mention one of the greatest, most underrated scores in movie history. Truly one of Jerry Goldsmith's best.

I read that in Kristen Schaal voice and now I'm depressed she's not in the movie.

I can't say I hate Ben. But I do admit that when both he and Robert were doing the intros, my heart always sank a little when I saw that "the flicker of a film is like a heart beat" intro. Not nearly as good.

It was not unusual for me to DVR a movie on TCM I've seen countless times just to hear Mr. Osborne's invaluable intro. There was always one more fact to be learned about The Quiet Man or Red River. He will be sorely missed.

I learned of these while in college watching That's Incredible, so my roommates and I bought half a dozen and tried them. Everyone but me gave up at the smell when we cracked the first egg open. I managed to eat half of one. We threw the rest into the dumpster in the next apartment complex over.

As the general says

Julia Roberts is taller than Shirley MacLaine.

See? Turns out she wasn't incomparable after all.

Yeah, but knowing Jake Peralta, it's not going to be the last one.

He finished his stint among the Amish and needed something else to do.

Yeah, he's presented as a real ladies' man. Calls every woman "kitten" throughout, and it gets really annoying.

Brooklyn 99 needs to make this a plot point as an homage.

I love Myrna Loy. Especially fun is finding some of her early "femme fatale" roles on TCM, where she was usually cast as an Asian. The Yellowface is of course somewhat offensive, but boy, howdy is she cute.