Matt of Sleaford

Have you ever seen Davis in the Mary Astor role in Satan Met a Lady, the second filmed version of The Maltese Falcon? (The Bogart version is actually the third.) She's pretty good, though the film itself is very odd. Warren William's jovial Ted Shane (Sam Spade) takes some getting used to.

I don't have any kids, but my wife and I will occasionally go to a party at the home of friends who do. The parents will usually put something on Netflix to keep the kids busy, so I'll casually mention a cartoon from my misspent youth that I know isn't particularly good, but I know will instantly hook the little ones.

There are many ways to describe Margo Channing in All About Eve.. "Victim" is not one of them.

And I suspect Margo might slap the taste out of someone's mouth for suggesting it.

I'm with you. It looks like Depp might actually be trying. And watching him, Bardem, and Geoffrey Rush try to top each other in chewing the scenery could be fun.

The last one made over a billion worldwide, with most of that coming from overseas. We were getting another one, regardless.

Y'know, I actually thought he was one of the least bad things about that movie. Admittedly, a very low bar.

That is a great description.

I once saw an interview with Pitt where he said his mom told him, "your looks will get you in the door, but they won't keep you in the room." Pitt's always more interesting the more he downplays his leading man status (which I don't think he was ever particularly interested in anyway).

C'mon, the guy's "Straight Outta Tempe" shirt has to be worth at least half a star. I'm always happy when a writer decides to take a shot at something for some unknown reason. The Good Place's constant Jacksonville antagonism was a delight.

Amy's name tag this week said "Lucinda."

"And the raptors have reached the fence."

So how did you feel about the giant green question marks on all the Riddler's henchmen?

And the Riddler's henchmen wearing matching outfits that would never be allowed in the Snyderverse.

To be fair, Shatner's "Rocket Man" video is still out there. He really doesn't have much choice but to be self-deprecating.

Personal aside: I watched that presentation live. During his introduction, Bernie Taupin looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.

SNL once did a sketch about actresses from the Golden Age of Hollywood sniping at each other, and Jane Curtain (as Joan Crawford) and Laraine Newman (as Kate Hepburn) absolutely nailed it. I had newfound respect for both after that.

I grew up during the time (60s-80s) when the legendary Hollywood crew were engaging in their long slide into obscurity. Hard to remember today, but at the time there were a lot of variety shows that were starving for talent, and it wasn't unusual to see Uncle Miltie appear on a show with The Doors, or Richard Pryor

And then she was one of the first casualties in Halloween. Not really bitchy in that one. Just kind of flaky.

"Remember that scene in the Avengers when Hulk punched Thor after their fight appeared to be over? Let's get two hours of that."

Was Ant-Man as good as it might have been had Edgar Wright directed it? Perhaps not.

Was it better than it had any right to be, given the character and the circumstances? Absolutely.

To be fair, you can only cancel the Apocalypse so many times.

Haven't all the Marvel movies pretty much been comedies?

I really liked Cheyenne this episode. Not as much of a ditz as usual.

BTW, you should also make note of Amy's name tag each week. She was "Karen" last night.