Matt of Sleaford

This show is the sitcom equivalent of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. It's tangentially related to the greater DCU (although which DCU is up for debate), but it will likely never use any A-listers whose "canon" it could foul up.

That's not a knock, by the way. I think slavish devotion to the "universe" concept gets in the

Not a movie, but a TV series. Pushing Daisies. It's about a couple who were born to be together, and are deeply in love, but can never touch. In my mind, the final scene of the series would have been a mortally-wounded Ned kissing Chuck just as he dies. But sadly, we'll never get to see it.

Legion seems to be

You're welcome. My misspent youth comes in handy from time-to-time.

Tatjana Patitz. Interesting bit of trivia about her. In the novel Rising Sun, Michael Crichton describes a character as looking like the model Tatjana Patitz. When they made the film, the producers were able to get her to actually play the character.

If Charlie Sheen hadn't gone off the rails, it would still be on.

Would that it were so simple.

I think of Reeves as a kind of modern day Charlton Heston. Heston took shit for his ramrod straight acting, but there is no actor, before or since, who can sell EPIC like Heston.

Reeves is the same way. Within his limitations he's one of a kind. And all kinds of awesome.

Dave Clark Five. They named the band after him!

It can be really sneaky clever/subversive. When a diversity sensitivity training video listed "influential African-Americans like Nelson Mandela," I did a double-take. Plus, the random customer moments are a riot. There are definitely worse shows out there.

The Flash movie is in a bunch of trouble, too.

Meanwhile, over at Marvel, Kevin Feige is looking at the roster and saying, "You think we could hit $100 mil with a Rocket Racer flick?"

Sadly, I don't think so.

There's an early Joker episode where the Joker enlists one of Dick Grayson's Gotham High classmates to corrupt Gotham's youth. Once the Joker figures out Batman is getting too close, he murders the girl with poisoned perfume. No Bat-Antidote this time.

A restaurant recently opened near us, Island Wing Company, that makes all the same stuff, but only bakes it. The wings aren't as crispy, but the meat is tender and cooked through, which can be a problem with fried wings. Other traditionally fried things on their menu are hit-or-miss.

They also used to serve Buffalo chicken legs. Really interesting, since dark meat takes longer to cook than white meat. But the very different crispy skin to meat ratio was an acquired taste.

Dammit. I was hoping if I left out the part about wearing the onion on my toy utility belt, no one would notice.

I stood next to her in line at the bank once. She was really petite.

The guy dresses up like Dracula. His archenemy is a psychotic clown. A year after his debut, he adopted a pre-teen to help him fight crime and put him in incredibly dangerous situations. Truth be told, you can only make him so "realistic."

Batman is one of my favorite characters, comic or otherwise. I was 3 when the

Batman: The Brave and The Bold doesn't get enough credit. Fantastic stuff and Diedrich Bader is an underrated Batman.

Plus, some of the episodes, particularly early Riddler and Joker, go to some fairly dark places. Gorshin, my favorite of all the Bat Villains, could turn menacing in a flash. To its credit, it never stays dark. But there was some nightmare fuel there for kids of the 60s.

That's why I actually prefer Batman Begins. It's got the dark realistic thing, but it also has the Batmobile and Batman sonically summoning a horde of, you know, bats.

I really thought Nolan "got it," but then he decided to scrap most of the fun stuff in The Dark Knight. There's a reason the movie lights up whenever