Matt of Sleaford

I firmly believe GRRM is using the show as a kind of test screening for his book ideas. We know he gave a basic outline to B&W, but we don't know how detailed it was. I imagine he takes notes like, "Oh, they liked Sansa feeding Ramsay to the dogs. I'll leave that in. Didn't much care for the wight kidnap plan.

I don't have time to watch the whole video, but I'm wondering if they go into the scenes woven into the credits. As I recall, there's a scene where they imply the boat has to stop at an island because they've run out of fresh water. Apparently the filmmakers forgot the boat was on Lake Michigan, not the Atlantic

My friends and I were never into Rocky Horror in high school, so Romero's Dawn was our go-to midnight movie. I've seen it at least half a dozen times at midnight shows.

"if Jon would just stop back at Winterfell for five seconds and talk to his brother"

Having Jon go all the way to Winterfell before then turning around and going all the way to King's Landing in one episode would completely stretch the boundaries of….never mind.

I grew up in the late 60s and early 70s, and a staple of Earth Day era TV was nature documentaries showing the baby turtles struggling to survive from the nest to the sea. It was hammered into our young minds that the sea turtle was one of the most endangered of animals (whether true or not, I don't know), so the

Like I said above, Littlefinger's final fatal error was miscalculating the Stark sisters' dynamic. He thought they both wanted the same thing. Oops.

So can someone introduce Adam Sandler to sculpture?

People magazine's online page.

They must have told him to stick strictly to what we've seen on the show and not review any outside information. And I'm not talking about leaks. In an HBO-sanctioned interview, Carice van Houten said that we will not see Melisandre again this season. So unless they kill her offscreen, which isn't likely, shewill

I thought you basically were the next step in our evolution.

And the mini lawnmower

Daffy on all fours acting like a fiddler crab is one of the funniest things ever put on film.

I've never seen The Prestige. This was on an afternoon talk show like Mike Douglas or Merv Griffin. The Prestige may have used the same trick. I'll have to check it out.

I've studied just enough magic to know how most tricks are done. Contrary to ruining it for me, it makes it all the more impressive when a performer does a trick I can't figure out. And I don't try to research it. I'm content to enjoy the illusion and congratulate the artist.

Years ago, I saw Harry Blackstone, Jr.

"he uses his show to promote small businesses around the country"

This, to me, is the crux of it. The Tampa Bay Times recently had a really interesting behind-the-scenes story about a DDD visit to a local restaurant. They vet all the places they visit to make sure that they make all their dishes from scratch and

The last episode I saw, his favorite dish was a flatbread made with duck bacon and a balsamic reduction glaze.

Based on the half dozen other shows on Food Network that are exactly like DDD, I'd say it's not as easy as Fieri makes it look. Some of those people are straight-up charisma vacuums. Say what you will about Guy, but at least he keeps your attention.

He did the burger and sandwich menu. We ate there not long after it reopened and the burger I had was pretty good. Nothing earthshaking but better than the standalone burger place they opened there, which I thought was too greasy.

I've also eaten at Homecoming, which I wish had been better for the price.

Also, as I recall, it makes pretty clear that Vader and Anakin are two different people.

I've always maintained that Star Wars didn't become "Star Wars" until Empire. Two summers before Star Wars, Jaws had produced crowds nearly as large and was being credited with upending the traditional notion of summer being a dumping ground for teen and kids movies. Star Wars just seemed like the latest summer