Matt of Sleaford

So you'll be pleased to know that at one time their competitor was Hoggly Woggly. And no, that is not a joke.

"It's true. All of it."

And then the Jedi, Luke Skywalker, etc. somehow become a myth AGAIN by the time of Force Awakens.

And then Rogue One used the red head's-up display we see at the end of Sith to explain why Vader's eyes are red in Star Wars. It never ends.

I said it had been a long time since I've seen it. If it's true that the return was always planned - especially in that way - then in my opinion that makes it even worse. I've tried to block out just about everything after the first couple seasons.

I agree. Not quite deep enough. I might have gone with Idris Elba, but he already played Shere Khan in Jungle Book.

While I really enjoyed it at the time, I now blame BSG for popularizing the whole "are they who they appear to be or aren't they" trope which subsequent shows have completely driven into the ground. Anytime a shapeshifter, or doppelganger, or clone, or human replica robot is introduced into a show, my heart sinks

It's been a long time since I watched BSG, but things started to go off the rails for me when they brought back Starbuck after The Bionic Woman (in which Katee Sackhoff played the villain) crashed and burned. They had clearly intended Starbuck to stay dead and her sudden reappearance threw everything off on the show.

In Horror of Dracula, there's a scene where Arthur Holmwood is reading up on vampires after finally coming around to the fact that vampires exist (what with just having driven a stake through his sister and all). He lists off a bunch of things like lycanthropy and Van Helsing (the incomparable Peter Cushing) sets him

"Baa-ha? I haven't got anything in Baa-ha!"

(Misspelling is intentional. You understand if you've seen the movie. While eating delicious breakfast sausage, of course.)

I've loved Dali's Hallucinogenic Toreador since I first saw it about 25 years ago. I love the colors, the symbolism, and all the hidden optical illusions. Plus, like a lot of paintings we're talking about in these threads, it's massive.

Yeah, I didn't understand the Rothko thing until I saw one in person. Amazing.

Or, to paraphrase John Lennon, life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

I know the point of the show is that no one really knows their friends and neighbors. But egads, is this place a snakepit.

With all the attention he got for Wonder Woman, I was surprised his Hannibal Lecter bit didn't get more notice. It came completely out of left field and he was hilarious.

Close. Vanilla Coke made with vanilla syrup at a soda fountain, or at Steak & Shake, is the best Coke.

Though the Coke corporation denies it, I've always believed the New Coke debacle was a conspiracy to draw attention away from the switch from cane sugar to HFCS.

I was born in the early 60s so I've literally been a Beatle fan my entire life. I got to see him about 10 years ago, and he started the show with "Hello, Goodbye," one of the very few Beatles songs I don't like. He immediately followed it, though, with "All My Loving," and I thought, "Holy shit, I'm watching a

We're not saying anything new here. We're just saying the same things that need to be said, again and again, with fierce conviction.

My biggest concern is that there was nothing in the trailer aside from the credits that indicated Spielberg had anything to do with it. It looks like a generic CGI-fest like dozens of other films. It might as well have been Valerian (shudder).