Matt of Sleaford

Debra Winger. Almost the same age, still looks great, has the raspy voice, and she did the voice of ET, so the fans might accept her.

I don't know if it's still an extra on the disc, but my version of Beauty and the Beast includes the "Be Our Guest" sequence animated with Belle's father Maurice as the original dinner guest. It only made it to pencil drawing stage, but that's a lot of work that was eventually scrapped.

Yeah, what is up with those posters? I don't know about your Moe's but ours has posters of celebrity impersonators. At first glance it's Michael Jackson, but then, "hey, wait a minute…"

As I say below, Rick Fox is the perfect Match Game guest. Like Brett Somers, you know he's famous, but you're not sure why. And he doubtless works cheap.

The media companies try so hard to capitalize on nostalgia, and usually fail because current execs just can't understand why the original version was so popular.

Which is why Match Game is so surprising. It is simultaneously a flawless duplication and update of the original, right down to the "why, exactly, is this

And the Chipotle and Taco Bell people have something else in common: pointing and laughing at Moe's people.

The Lindbergh kidnapping. Perhaps the only crime in American history that was as big a media circus as O.J.

It will be difficult if not impossible to replace Powers Boothe in that role. Fantastic.

I have an inordinate amount of affection for Goldeneye. It's not nearly as silly as the other Brosnans eventually got, and it has two of the best Bond women ever. Plus, Sean Bean (and what generally happens to Sean Bean). I'd say it's my favorite non-Connery Bond.

And that's a shame because Klaus Maria Brandauer was one of the best Bond villains ever. And they have him face off against Connery in a damn video game.

Someone's been watching a lot of Top Gea, er, The Grand Tour.

Now we have another explanation as to why Chidi's book was so damn long. He was too indecisive to take anything out.

Living in Florida, Jason's constant shout-outs to the Jacksonville Jaguars ("Bortles!") are a personal favorite.

As soon as she said it, I thought, "that throwaway line is going to prove to be very, very important."

Oh, it gets worse. It was actually a Subway tuna sub. But he picked the restaurant. He was originally going to get a Veggie Delight, but broke down and settled on the tuna. The fact he had such a, uh, sensual reaction to it was even more unusual, considering the source.

When I was a kid, Taco Bell actually had a burger. The Beefy Bell Beefer. I swear this is true.

Maybe not. I once watched a friend of mine eat a tuna sandwich after he had been eating vegetarian for six months. It would not have been inaccurate to describe the look in his eyes as orgasmic.

The way Gina got hit by the bus has become such a cliché, there are actually supercuts of it on YouTube. Honestly, I was more upset by the use of the cliché than I was the fact that Gina got hit. (I'm assuming she'll eventually recover.)

And I'll bet the closet space sucks, too.

Now that it's been revealed, it does sound like somewhere that someone obsessed with Darth Vader might want to visit. Like most of the kids that shop at Hot Topic.

I've lived near a couple restaurants that were featured on Food Network or Travel Channel shows.

They may hate Guy's living guts, but if it means a three hour wait for a table on Friday night, they'll suck it up and laugh at his jokes like he's Jerry freakin' Seinfeld.