Matt of Sleaford

Guy Fieri takes a lot of flak, but even he doesn't do that.

" I liked the sequence better when it happened on Last Man On Earth, though."

I also liked Sabrina better when she was called Xanthippe.

I thought the best part of the show was the interaction between Mickey and her sister Poodle. I hope they can figure out some way to keep that going.

I just watched those shorts for the first time in what must be at least 40 years.

I knew every damn word of both.

I, too, missed it in the theater. I will not repeat that mistake with the sequel.

Reeves has an extremely limited range. But within that range, he is very, very good. It is not a quality that should be underestimated.

Amazing that it didn't premiere until 12/18 in 1966. By now, it's probably been shown at least a dozen times on various channels.

Incidentally, if you haven't seen it in a couple of years, be sure to track it down. They did a full restoration last year and it looks absolutely spectacular. Clean and vibrant.

Yeah, it's also his face projected on the broken bust over on the left side.

Same here. When Andy is dropping funny one-liners, he's one of the best things on Twitter. But then he'll get in a political beef with someone that goes on for days.

Someone else on my feed will retweet one of his zingers, and I'll follow him again. Then something will set him off and I'll remember why I dropped him.

"Kate Micucci of Garfunkel and Oates"

No matter what else she does, she'll always be The Gooch to me.

Schwartz did many of the vocal stylings of BB-8. So there's that.

Absolutely. My biggest disappointment with the sequel was that the Light Cycles drove like regular motorcycles. I loved, the quick, right angle turns from the original. So alien and cool.

Tom Cruise learned everything he knows about running from Patrick in this movie.

Craig Baxley also did stunt work for Kolchak: The Night Stalker. If the monster of the week wasn't Richard Kiel, it was probably Baxley.

Up to the point they reveal the solution to the central mystery, it truly was one of the best things TV ever produced. The remainder of the second season, and especially the finale, should probably be watched in preparation for the sequel. But the first season is not to be missed.

Didn't Darth Eisenhower warn us about the Intergalactic Military-Industrial Complex?

And what was good about it, was the star James Nesbitt. Evans is great, but I doubt he'll be as salacious as the role requires.

This looks a little derivative of the past films (though, to be fair, that's probably hard to avoid with a Spider-Man movie). And there's a little more Tony Stark than I would prefer.

But as long as I get the insecure doofus chatterbox from Civil War, I'll be happy.

Alexa Vega

Mysteries at the Museum did a feature on the core and reenacted the second accident described in that article. Hard to believe that the minute shift of a screwdriver killed a guy in less than a second.

He probably didn't actually mean knot. I was just trying to make the analysis as convoluted as I could.

I knew I should have gone with the episode where Grannie smoked crawdads….