Matt of Sleaford

That could be said of just about any Powers Boothe speech. Criminally underrated actor.

I read an interview where he said when you're willing to literally kill someone for a bologna sandwich, some of this stuff doesn't seem so bad. He's eternally grateful for the life he has now.

I can't watch the video, but does it mention Trek's "rule of three," as noted by several comedians? When talking about past events, Trek always mentioned two people you'd heard of and one more example from the far flung future. "Alexander, Napoleon, Karkas of Jengu V"

Wasn't that Geoffrey Holder? He was a staple of 60s and 70s TV shows and played a voodoo priest who worked for the villain in Live and Let Die.

I also think he's unfairly criticized for the restaurants he visits. Critics that don't watch the show think he always goes to places that have two pound cheeseburgers or burritos stuffed with fried cheese. While he does go to his share of burger and pizza joints, he also showcases a fair amount of healthy food,

Like I said in my response to keyserSOZE above, you can also factor in "the pause." If he shuts up for a few seconds, or kind of rolls his eyes and says "dude," you know they got him.

I thought I was the only one! His big tell, to me, is how long he actually shuts up after taking a bite. The longer the silence, the more he seems to be enjoying it. Then, like you point out, he describes the sensation of eating the dish, rather than the "balance" or what have you.

Plus, I always grade on a curve if

The world changed forever when fast food restaurants shifted from animal fat to vegetable oil for the fries. Yes, it's (marginally) better for you. Yes, it's more consistent.

But those who had the original McDonald's fries know they were truly ambrosia.

"What a way to go-go."

I was just about to comment after reading about the reincarnation angle that Mike Barr and Brian Bolland are probably on the phone to their lawyers as we speak.

So CBS heard the first outcry about new Star Trek exclusively being on a streaming service no one wants, then the second outcry about that pay service having commercials, and their response is to nearly double the price of said pay service to get Star Trek without commercials?

That decision to renew Big Bang Theory in

Don't disagree. You'll notice that's when I hopped off the King train.

Chuckle. Yeah, I guess that was a bit much. But I guess you can tell how angry it makes me to this day. Don't get me started on The Stand.

My experience with It was completely different. I was a King obsessive from middle school in the late 70s through Gerald's Game in the early 90s. It was perhaps the most disappointing experience I've ever had with a King book. I don't even count the juvenile sex scene, which I rejected as ridiculous and

Martha, eh? Didn't know this was going to be part of the DC Universe.

Boy, they're really pitching to the "rooting for a meteor strike" demographic this time.

So they're going to lean right in to the inevitably unflattering comparisons to Silicon Valley. Good for them.

Every time I hear Krumholtz's name the first thing I think about is his Job line in the Life with Mikey trailer (posted above). Still funny.

What is this Wonka, some kind of fun house?

Why, having fun?

(Sadly, not right now.)

I think shooting actually started with Gig Young, but he took the method thing a little too far with the drinking.