Matt of Sleaford

When Kahn and Wilder moved on to other things, Brooks' movies definitely lost something.

Then we're awake. But we're very puzzled.

Gotham has always had one insurmountable problem. "See our main character? This guy right here? Yeah, he's going to fail. Badly. And all those bad guys he keeps fighting? They're going to completely overwhelm him, and the city.

"But don't worry. The deeply disturbed little kid that lives in the mansion on the

I may be in the minority, but I prefer Bogus Journey. William Sadler's Death is worth the price of admission.

My favorite part of any Jackie Chan movie is not the big "how the hell did he survive that?" stunts, but the little flourishes he throws in throughout. One of my favorites is in Rumble in the Bronx when an assailant tries to trap Chan against the wall with a shopping cart. Jackie simply jumps through the cart

The original is one of my favorite movies, but I didn't have anything against a remake. That said, I remember almost nothing about it aside from a couple of gore effects. No real style.

"None. None more black."

But Commissioner Gordon '66 didn't have a mustache.

I'm wondering if the sheriff in Stranger Things isn't in part a Tom Atkins tribute. His first scene, with the smokes and the pills, is all Atkins.

Though the Disney TV shows of the 50s were clearly scrubbed idealized versions of the teen experience, I think this article makes some wrong assumptions looking through the prism of history. It wasn't like every teen jumped on the bandwagon and started listening to Chuck Berry and Little Richard. There's a reason

When the Silly Symphonies were extremely popular in the 30s and 40s, Donald Duck was by far the most popular Disney cartoon character. Walt called him "the Gable of our Stable" (thanks, Trivial Pursuit!). After his initial appearances, where he can be pretty impish, Mickey settled down and became pretty bland.

Nothing can prepare us? How about the extra 3 (presumably spoiler filled) months we have to wait because HBO was too cheap to let the producers buy extra mashed potato flakes?

After reading your post, it finally occurred to me what this reminded me of. This is the Tick version of Watchmen. And I fully agree. I thought Peter S was pretty good, but I didn't like the tone of the rest of it. Shooting a hero in the head with the resulting blood spray doesn't say "The Tick" to me.

Yeah, if they go this direction, I'm out. I've been a Tick fan since the comics. I didn't particularly like the pilot. I think a comedy should be, I dunno, funny. But Peter S. had just enough Tick DNA in his performance that I will keep watching if it's taken to series.

But the minute they confirm "figment of his

I used to live in Orlando. Did the full 11 countries more times than I can count (or at least remember). But F&W adds a devastating degree of difficulty. Still, not to be missed, especially since you're going in the middle of the week. Be sure to check the Eat to the Beat musical guest during your trip. They have

Neither. Just Godzilla's name floating over a kind of Skull Island landscape.

If this case puts an end to that crap, the money was well-earned.

Of course, nothing will end the practice of restaurants singing loud and embarrassing birthday songs of some sort. Maybe we can get these guys to work on that.

The cartoon lost a lot for me when Micky Dolenz stopped doing the voice of Arthur. His whine was just perfect.

I have the Warburton series on DVD. It's not as good as the cartoon overall, but, in addition to Warburton, Nestor Carbonell's Bat Manuel is delightful.

I still have a flying Tick that balances on his chin.

You will be there during the Food and Wine Festival. God be with you.