Matt of Sleaford

I did enjoy Donna. She is my favorite of Tennant's companions. I thought the weird triangle with Amy and Rory was the worst part of Smith's run.

Clara has been, to me, an almost complete disaster. Which is a shame, since I really like Jenna Coleman and how she played the character. In my opinion, Moffat has never

"ending the Time War is way out of the Eighth Doctor's personality so much"

I don't see how. He was in one episode, and in most of that he was still getting his bearings after the regeneration. Yes, I know he was in all those Big Finish audios. But even then I don't see how they could have inalterably established

I remember having much the same reaction. Yeah, they played around with the rules a bit. But the show was at least exciting and McGann was terrific, so I was psyched to see where it was going. I was pleasantly surprised when BBCA showed it as part of the 50th celebration to see it was about as I remembered.


Seconded. I liked Hurt, and that episode was the last Moffat work on the series I unreservedly enjoyed. But since Eccleston wouldn't play ball, they should have used McGann as the "War Doctor." The whole concept of "my generation that did things I never talk about," which he did - constantly - throughout the first

I vaguely remember ABC's Wide World of Sports doing a piece on the original Rollerball. Though fictional, the game had actual rules and the cast would play matches between scenes. I imagine an insurance company would frown on that today.

Wake me when the deadline is approaching for Fox to make another movie to retain the rights. Anything prior to that is just noise.

I'm really hoping they go for broke this season, like they kept hinting in season one. But I realize that based on their budget, that's probably not going to happen. As long as Maze gets to go demonic ninja a few more times this year, I'll be happy.

I also remember Imperioli's "why I'm opting for HD-DVD" commercials. So, yeah.

I watched Yahoo! Screen on the Roku app, and oddly enough it didn't have any ads. So I never had that problem.

Of course, it crashed all the time and rewinding or fast forwarding was virtually impossible. But it sounds like my experience was better than most.

A buddy of mine asked who was taking the place of Nipsey Russell, "The Poet Laureate of Comedy." We used to make up our own Nipsey poems all the time. And not one would pass muster today.

In at least one of the recent episodes, the panel was pretty clearly sloshed. It might have been the Jones episode. None of them stayed in their chairs for more than a couple minutes, and the answers were a lot more risqué than usual.

I don't know what it says about me or 2016 that one of the shows I most look forward to each week is a reboot of a 40 year old show with Alec Baldwin poking fun at C and D list celebrities. 11 year old me, who watched the show in the afternoon because nothing else was on ("Mom, who is Brett Somers?"), would be

Tom Petty's American Girl in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I was already very familiar with the song because I lived in the dorm from which the poor girl in the song leapt to her death. But then Jennifer Jason Leigh sneaking out at night to lose her virginity to the sleazy stereo salesman just further cemented the

I thought Batman Begins wasn't too far off course. Batman summoning an army of bats brought a smile to my face. But they got farther away from the source as they went along. The writing was on the wall after they blew up the Batmobile shortly after burning down Wayne Manor.

Wildly uneven is exactly the right term. When it was off, it was cringeworthy. But when it was on, it was inspired.

I remember reading an article with the creators when the show was on when they said they tried to sneak one joke past the censors in every episode. So my friends and I always looked for that. I

I watch it primarily for the cutaways of the very weird things the customers do in the store, which the main story never comments on or explains. The episode where they had to watch the 15 year old sensitivity training tape was pretty good, too.

Hill or Josh Gad. But it won't be Candy, who was the best part of the original by far.

The Reflex came later, I believe. Hungry Like the Wolf, especially, played like a mini movie. Which was refreshing in the midst of all those static filmed performances.

It always bothered me a little that MTV named their "Video Vanguard" award after Michael Jackson. Jackson was an incredible video pioneer and the videos from the Thriller album cemented MTV's appeal (after they originally kept black artists off the channel).

But I would argue the channel owed a lot of its early

Martha Quinn and Alan Hunter sound virtually identical. Frighteningly so.