Matt of Sleaford

There was also another, darker issue. The main alien in the preshow was played by Jeffrey Jones. He was under heavy makeup but still recognizable. Considering how fast Disney pulled the Pee Wee Herman scene from the Hollywood Backlot Tour at Hollywood Studios when he got into his troubles, I'm sure Alien Encounter

This is a good review of Lilo and Stitch. But I feel like this is an overly-simplistic view of Disney animation. It takes the approach of "this movie - which came out 14 years ago by the way - kind of accidentally broke the mold of the Disney heroine." But its view of Disney "Princesses" hasn't been accurate since

Wait, what? By the end of his tenure, Eisner had certainly worn out his welcome. But it's no exaggeration to say Eisner saved Disney in the mid-80s. See the documentary Waking Sleeping Beauty for the details.

I'm not sure it's accurate to say CGI animation is cheaper. It's hard to get a comparison because there are so few hand drawn animated films today. But I remember being shocked to hear that Tangled was one of the 2 or 3 most expensive movies made the year it was released.

Lewis is a little different from Roth because the gore scenes are presented so flatly, there isn't any real cruelty. Or point of view at all, for that matter.

I've always admired H.G. Lewis' films because they're almost perfect examples of "exploitation" cinema, which reached its peak in the 60s and 70s. Pick a

When I was in college, I showed Blood Feast to my very impressionable younger sister, who I think was in middle school. She laughed hysterically throughout. H.G. Lewis' movies are gory as hell, but what they are not is scary. Or remotely realistic.

Yep. Up to that, Steve was a jerk, but not enough to deserve being eaten after his leg was shattered.

Yeah, this was made up of a bunch of moving parts of 80s films and novels. But you know what? I've turned several people on to it that don't have any real familiarity with that stuff. They still loved it and binged it as fast as I did. Good storytelling is good storytelling. After all, clichés become clichés in

I really liked the fact that Steve jumped over the bear trap. I thought sure he was going to step in it.

The first time I saw it, there was something wrong with the sound in the theater, like the sound was coming through a metal pipe. Because it was "futuristic," we didn't know it was messed up. Didn't matter. That film, like Fury Road, could be dialog free and be just as good.

That book is terrific. And you're right. With today's special effects they could finally do it justice.

"I feel terrible."

The best thing these three films have in common is the great truism about the best action heroes: they look great taking a punch. The worst thing the 80s action films did was introduce the indestructible killing machine. The truly great action heroes spend most of the movie getting their asses kicked before they

"Baja?!? I haven't got anything in Baja!"

Hey, I didn't say I was disappointed in OHMSS. But had the producers of OHMSS (and Bourne Legacy) been satisfied with the results, they would not have tried to bring the original actor back.

So this really is the Bourne series Diamonds Are Forever, right down to the Vegas chase and "following up the disappointing entry by the other guy."

After I saw Altered States - which during the opening credits uses a tank identical to the one that El uses - I became obsessed with sensory deprivation tanks. To the point where I actually tried to track one down when I started college.

I never got into the whole LSD/hallucinogens connection, but I was fascinated by

Yes, and I believe they cook hamburgers in it.

If nothing else, this season has established that Annville is like the house in The Haunting - corrupt down to the bone. And I mean spiritual corruption in a Biblical sense. Remember the rehearsal of the church play Emily was overseeing in an earlier episode?

Justice League looks like a heck of a lot more fun than the DCU's efforts so far. That said, it still looks like they're screwing up Aquaman. He communicates telepathically with fish. Like Marvel did with Ant Man, you gotta lean into the silly.

Still, it's just a trailer so the film may do something different. The