Matt of Sleaford

You know, after all these years, I've never been able to figure out the whole "Special Guest Star" thing. It must have been some SAG rule, because it's not like Jonathan Harris was a big star. I was a voracious consumer of 50s and 60s TV, and I just don't recall him ever being a big deal prior to (or after) Lost in

I agree with you completely. But there were a whole lot of people after Sunday night doing a whole lot of mental gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise. It's like they came up with this great secret, but now that it's accepted knowledge, they will do anything to refute it.

Incidentally, I started reading the

No coincidence, that. That trio is the garage band Elvis. And awesome as hell.

I saw this on its original theatrical release. When it came out on VHS, I immediately rented it to share it with friends. It's hard to believe, but the use of "I'm a Believer" on the tape damn near ruins the movie. The propulsive opening chords of "It's the Same Old Song" are absolutely necessary to the effect of

You may well be correct. What tends to be forgotten is that when Burroughs wrote Tarzan, neither he nor any of his readers knew anything about Africa aside from what they read in books. "The Congo" and an "Elephant" may as well have been Tatooine and a Bantha to some kid in Omaha reading the books.

The biggest mistake that modern filmmakers make in adapting Tarzan is trying to place him in the real world. Burrough's Tarzan always existed in a mythical storybook "Africa." The creatures that raised him were not gorillas, they were "great apes."

If you can establish this world, you can divorce Tarzan from some of

That's where I thought they were going. Mel does her magic. Nothing happens. The Traitors break in and seize Jon's corpse. He wakes up on the funeral pyre. Cut to Bran having the vision he had in the season finale.

Has Bryan Singer ever confirmed whether the beginning of X Men: Apocalypse is an homage to this sequence? Because it sure seems like it.

I think that's the most important thing. I've talked to people who think Rogue One is episode 8.

But if you had been paying close attention, Internet, you would have noticed that the "sun" in the opening credits is also the chandelier in the Citadel library.

One of my biggest disappointments in the cancellation of Agent Carter was that it ended the possibility of a Rocketeer crossover. Since it would have taken place 10 years after the original, the eternally youthful Bill Campbell could have even reprised the role. Just one episode. It would have been perfect.

I also love Deep Rising. Kind of The Mummy meets Lovecraft, with a terrific Treat Williams performance.

I think Tyrion's speech to Dany about how much wildfire is under the capitol is key. I think Cersei tries to limit the wildfire's destruction to the Sept, but it gets away from her - just like everything else she does.

But wasn't her duel with the Hound connected with her attempt to free Arya? Brienne won, and Arya refused her help, so Brienne's mission was finished there.

If anything, I'd think the Hound would want to defeat the woman who defeated him. But recent events would indicate his character might be past that.

Cole is certainly a scene stealer in Angie Tribeca. Many times, I feel he gets what the show is going for more than some of the more prominent members of the cast.


When handicapping this episode, I think it's important to note this week's story that certain named members of the cast are getting significant raises for the next season(s). Since they're not going to pay [SPOILER] big bucks to lie around with stones on his/her eyes for thirteen episodes, those characters should be

Hollywood Reporter's review said the show was surprisingly amateurish for a pre-recorded show. However, I'm sure the Affleck rant will go viral, which brings eyeballs, which, sadly, is about the only thing important at this point. To paraphrase Capone's henchman in The Untouchables: it don't have to be good, it only

So, wait, the main reason McConaughey wants to make another True Detective is because he missed watching himself on TV?

He must not watch any sports, because it's almost impossible to do so without seeing him driving a damn Lincoln.

I've been following Simmons since the Page 2 days. But these new promos are eerily reminiscent of the point at which Chris Berman's shtick overstayed its welcome and went from funny to annoying.