Matt of Sleaford

Bill Simmons better come out of the gate strong.

The past 48 hours have been hilarious. Warner Brothers paid the GDP of a small nation to fly every journalist it could find to the London Justice League set to rehab the DCU's image… Disney mic dropped Vader on them. In an old Time Warner publication, no less.

Blimpie used to be okay, but now that you mention it, in the last decade or so I've only seen them as part of gas stations or truck stops. So that would obviously put them significantly down on the list.

As I commented below, if the Redditor in this story ate a sandwich built on all the ingredients Which Wich offers, I'm not sure he'd survive.

Jersey Mike's is probably the Lexus of sub shops but I have a soft spot for Which Wich. Kind of Subway-esque in execution, but they use real Quiznos-style ovens for toasting and have at least a couple dozen different kinds of sandwiches, including the Elvis peanut butter, banana, and honey.

If this Redditor ate a

Maybe those are the R-rated outtakes they've been talking about….

What a horribly missed opportunity if he doesn't. Heck, I'd even go so far as to have him fall through a time warp in a Flash crossover just for that purpose.

At the very least, he damn sure better be snapping all the time.

Though it did have the rash young commander rushing into a battle against a much larger force. Of course, at Agincourt, it was Henry who understood how best to use archers. So kind of a wash.

Except that people controlled by Starro have little starfish plastered on their faces.

You know what? They could add that to the BvS "special edition" DVD. I think I'm on board.

Believe it or not, the Snapster is coming to Supergirl on the CW in the fall. But then, Supergirl has never had trouble with being the very most.

I thought there was a slim possibility Ramsay might escape with a skeleton crew to the Dreadfort…..which being north of Winterfell would be the canary in the White Walker coal mine.

I think the Band of Brothers they're talking about is the Battle of Agincourt, from Henry V. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers…"

In their first comics adventure, Marvel's Avengers united to stop Loki.

In their first comics adventure, DC's Justice League united to stop Starro the Conqueror, a giant alien mind-controlling starfish.

If the DCU guys want to move away from "dark and gritty," they've got the solution right there staring them in the

Well, as I recall, Franklin Richards - when he was still a baby - once caused Mephisto to essentially cease to exist. I might be a little concerned by that too.

"and beguiling."

I see what you did there…

There's no hacker kid in Westworld, but there is a prescient line about how the robots are partially designed by computers, so the engineers aren't precisely sure how they work. (Similar to the frog/fish DNA line in JP.) I assume from this trailer that might be one of the avenues the reboot explores.

Did you see Jurassic Park? Substitute robots for the dinosaurs and you get the gist. Michael Crichton created both and the parallels aren't exactly subtle.

I don't think Rickon even had a line this season.

I'm already more than a little worried that the grand finale is going to come down to, "keep fighting! We just have to give Frodo, er, Bran more time!"

As a Star Trek obsessed teen in the 70s, I clearly remember all the failed Roddenberry pilots that popped up as movies of the week. Genesis II, Planet Earth (Hey, Genesis II didn't work how do we fix it? John Saxon!), Spectre.

In fact, I once met Roddenberry and made a point of mentioning Spectre. He responded with