Matt of Sleaford

And if you need a lower-priced alternative to run that gamut, Brett Dalton was RIGHT THERE!

I'm coming at this from someone who's never read the comic. Not sure how I missed it since I read every other Vertigo title at the time. But I digress.

I feel like I'm missing something. I don't want all the answers handed to me on a platter, but it seems like they're hitting the audience with a barrage of

The Hound sends his regards.

Seriously, though, I don't count Stannis because we saw Brienne swing the sword. The other characters who have died off-screen, like Syrio, have been relatively minor and at least we saw them engaged in a melee before they died.

Of all the off-screen deaths, the Blackfish's is the most

I guess I should have been clearer. All we have for confirmation is the word of some nameless guy wearing a Lannister uniform that partially obscured his face. It could easily have been a Tully loyal to the Blackfish wearing that uniform. If the Blackfish is dead, so be it. I don't think he is.

Remind me again how we know the Blackfish is dead? All we have for confirmation is the word of some nameless Lannister soldier whose face we never really saw.

Since next episode is setting itself up as a very Tolkien-esque "darkest before the Riders of Rohan dawn" scenario, I'll not be surprised at all if the

If you've got it, flaunt it, as they used to say.

I imagine if you show up at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique with the right attitude and $$$, Disney will find a way to accommodate you, whoever you are. And more power to them.

Rule of thumb: if a little girl (or boy) can dress up as the character, she's a Princess. Corollary: that includes boy characters.

Like a Sea World employee once told a friend of mine: "Buddy, they're all Shamu."

The fact that Waititi is directing the Thor sequel may be the sole reason I am overly excited about it.

In Ghostbusters, her Zuul outfit wasn't tiny, but it did seem to stay on by magic.

The animated series used the Bissette/Totleben character design for Swamp Thing, including the morphing into different plant shapes. I actually had a few action figures from the show.

The prequels' biggest mistake was in trying to make Anakin a hero. No matter how "noble" his reasons, there's just no way to make a hero out of someone you know is going to become a child killer.

My solution would have been to make Obi-Wan the focus of the prequel trilogy, with Anakin more of a supporting character.

Believe it or not, Swamp Thing has had both a live action and an animated TV series. As I recall, the animated series tried some of the Alan Moore stories. But since it was a Saturday morning show, it of course missed the mark.

I'm not a big fan of this theory, but some are predicting Arya faked the stabbing and the parade through the streets to lure the Waif into a trap. In the previous episode, Arya was holed up with Needle in a hovel that became totally dark when she blew out the candle. Her learning to fight while blind would give her

Patton is kind of the alpha and omega of this concept. The opening scene (which was compiled from actual Patton speeches by the screenwriters, including Francis Ford Coppola) was so strong, George C. Scott reportedly refused initially to do it because he knew the rest of the movie could not live up. He did it on the

That sequence is the best thing Zack Snyder has ever done. (The first five minutes of Dawn of the Dead are a close second.) Nothing else in the movie itself ever comes close. I've watched the movie itself maybe twice. I've watched the opening credits many, many more times.

Yeah, why couldn't the conservative Twitter guys have found any photos where she had (SPOILERS) in her face from where the (SPOILER) (SPOILERED) her. That would (probably? I hope?) have tipped them off that this was from a TV show.

I'm also looking forward to seeing her again because I thought she was one of the

"Kraft Mac & Cheese cocktails are artful and disgusting in equal measure."

No, they're not. Not even remotely.

Dovetails nicely with McDonald's marketing strategy of: "No matter what horrible thing happened to you, McDonald's will make it better." (Latest example: Didn't get a chance to eat at your wedding reception? A Quarter Pounder with Cheese and fries will stay hot indefinitely in your limo!)

Exactly. The fuzztone guitar. The solo that Nesmith mimed on the show but likely didn't play on the record. And Davy's "WOAOW!" Valleri's got it all.

I actually heard it used for the Monkees before the Rutles, but yeah, the Rutles popularized it.