Anyone: smidgen
Anyone: smidgen
GW is for rich kids who were too stupid and poor to get into an Ivy League. Source: I took a cputer science course there where 80% of the class audibly cheated during the final exam.
Not to be confused with the Millennial Falcon, which lives in its parent’s hangar until it turns 26.
Could be worse — Watchmen treated it like a sexytimes song.
Since nobody else seems to feel this way, I’ll say it- I do miss Gina. Obviously Chelsea Perretti has other things to deal with but I hope she’s back at midseason.
No Riverdale?!?! I’m gonna go walk into that evil mist that turns your skin inside out.
For those complaining that “The Simpsons mock everyone” and therefore it’s ok here’s the thing; on the show most of those “mockings” are either one of many of that sort of character or they’re a parody of a cultural reference.
In 2017, if someone points a phone at you and you don’t stop whatever rant you’re on, racist or otherwise, you deserve everything that befalls you in the aftermath.
Heyyyy, maybe they’ll be able to write romance storylines that aren’t creepy as fuck on that show now! And even give Iris a little agency!
I feel like the issue might be more craft brewer’s increasing zeal for making ever-hoppier beers. I feel like a Sierra Nevada is the platonic ideal of a hoppy beer. Anything hoppier than that I feel like I’m drinking a smoothie made from pine cones.
Definitely 7-Zip
They also owe Tig Notaro an apology for calling her “ungrateful” and shit for daring to speak out about this.
Agreed, the Trump impression just doesn’t cut it anymore, it’s repetitive, not particularly accurate or funny, and worse, it’s almost making him seem sort of cuddly and lovable, instead of the maliciously ignorant spite-monster he really is. Seth Meyers packs more truths into his brief and laser-sharp Trump…
I personally love Gina, and Chelsea Peretti is on the show because she is in an incredible writer and comedienne. Get your head out of your ass.
EB White...not CS Lewis?
Glad to see Lobot moving on to bigger and better things.
It seems logical to allow teens who are old enough to get hormonal birth control to get proper treatment for being trans. Neither should require parental consent. If they’re old enough to control their body’s hormones then they’re old enough to control their body’s hormones.
And to say Linda wasn’t considered sexy in T2 is false. She was gorgeous in her own way, and lots of guys who grew up in that time think so as wel. Fuck off, James!
This can never be posted enough... (@1:48)
This guy has been a dick for his entire life. And it’s funny how he praises his Sarah Connor character and Linda Hamilton’s incarnation, but then look how he ACTUALLY treated Linda, the person.
He can jump right into a lake of burning petrol.