Right. Any reasonable person would've said that same sentence with joy, not with fear!
Right. Any reasonable person would've said that same sentence with joy, not with fear!
Wow. The white men one and the "white's only" ones are crazy. I can almost understand Fox News' ridiculous statement about white America no-longer being a majority. They're certainly not as in control as they once were.
I saw that she wasn't a fan, but that's almost more surprising. I can imagine someone caring so much that they don't want to spoil it for themselves, and have the willpower not too. But I can't imagine someone caring so *little* that they weren't even interested in taking a peek. It's the one of biggest shows in the…
I do that often with things I'm already excited for. I tried with Avengers, but the marketing was so pervasive I couldn't, but I managed it with TDK, TDKR and Looper. No trailers, no spoilers. I pretty much new cast and basic plot synopsis! It's the best.
Ahhh..that makes more sense... she's not a fan!
I mean... I would definitely return it, but there's no way I wouldn't look at it I don't think.
Whoever found that Neil Gaiman script has a will of goddamn steel! She didn't even peak inside?! I don't think I could have helped myself. Amazing.
Well.. that's not necessarily true. Firstly, the "lifetime" of a particle is not a definite thing, it's more of an average. Like the half-life of an isotope. The underlying process is essentially probabilistic, so that the actual time of decay of any single proton is impossible to predict, we can just say that there's…
Interestingly, the upper bound placed by experiment (people have been looking for proton decay for along time) on the lifetime of a proton is very close to the 10^25 years that the theory predicts. With a couple years more data, we might be able to either rule out or confirm GUT predictions of proton decay.
Oooh..that would be pretty cool actually. Set up the Republic as "The Man" and have our hero be a rebel against it, but then cut through the red tape to stop it. Plus, badass Skywalker girl smuggler sounds like exactly the kind of fun I want!
Right. We do find new species daily... but given the persistence and age of the Sasquatch myth, the size of the reported creature, and it's supposed habitat, the fact that literally NO solid evidence of it's existence has been reported really relegates it to myth from valid scientific hypothesis.
Hey. I'm the other person who enjoyed The Wolfman. I'm glad we finally got to meet.
Apologies, I was being facetious because most scientists would dismiss the search for Bigfoot as not a very scientific endeavor.
Oooh! Nice!!! I could definitely go for that. Although reversing the Rebel vs. Authority dichotomy of the movies might be an odd tonal shift. It would be weird to have our heroes as authority figures.
"Idaho scientist to search for bigfoot from a blimp."
Perhaps a group of Sith repressed under the old Empire who can now rise up to challenge the rebels.
Sorry to see you go. You did a great job here and will be missed. Thanks for everything. See you over at Cracked!
Thanks. I thought it might be just me!
Exactly, They'll have a more Obi-Wan esque role. I don't know what the threat will be though...but I'm not familiar with the Extended Universe. What's the immediate threat post-empire there?