Matt McC

"Idaho scientist to search for bigfoot from a blimp."

Perhaps a group of Sith repressed under the old Empire who can now rise up to challenge the rebels.

Sorry to see you go. You did a great job here and will be missed. Thanks for everything. See you over at Cracked!

Thanks. I thought it might be just me!

Exactly, They'll have a more Obi-Wan esque role. I don't know what the threat will be though...but I'm not familiar with the Extended Universe. What's the immediate threat post-empire there?

Is it just me or is Escape from Planet Earth really similar to Monsters vs Aliens? But without the giant woman.

I apologize, I didn't know that The Lancet published it... Wow, it's really amazing that the study got as far as it did!

Right! Sorry... my own facepalm moment there! ... but goof aside, I think my point still stands, right?

I know a lot of people below are complaining at the inclusion of the Obama quote, and while it is certainly of a different tone of the others, it is also considerably more dangerous. Apart from false and dangerous ideas about "legitimate rape" etc., the POTUS bringing up a vaccine-autism link based on one study in a

If River and Jack are ever onscreen together, it's gonna get R-rated SO quickly!

Oh yeah.. I completely forgot Moffat created Jack! My bad!

I think that while John and Matt may play off each other well, Moffat's Who wouldn't play very well with the Captain Jack aesthetic. He feels, to me, like the epitome of RTD-ness in Who, and that's something that Moffat has tried very hard to avoid, or at least distance himself from. I'd be surprised if he appears in

Sometimes Serenada, it's like you're speaking another language! They touched briefly on the trigger warnings issue, but very briefly. The other things sound *way* more scandalous than whether Harry should be with Ron or Hermione!

Haha.. Well I wouldn't have quite put it like that! More like "aren't people funny?... Yay Sci-Fi & Fantasy." Also, annalee revealed a previously unknown (to me) penchant for HP slash!

No problem!

+1! If I hadn't hearted you eons ago, this comment would've been an insta-heart.

So they talk about Wincest (as an example of labeling your fic) and they talk about the Harry Potter Lexicon thing. Then they talk about RDJ saying Holmes is gay, then they discuss (briefly) Sherlock vs Elementary. They interview Aja who identifies two big Fandom-shipping wars, namely Harry/Hermione vs Hermione/Ron


To be fair, I haven't read it. The premise didn't grab me, but I might give it a go. Thanks.