Yes! The plot is to do with some mates doing a pub crawl which ends at the "World's End" pub, but the pub crawl is also tied into the fate of the world.
Yes! The plot is to do with some mates doing a pub crawl which ends at the "World's End" pub, but the pub crawl is also tied into the fate of the world.
Hey, don't sell him short: Hank Pym beat his wife in both realities... he just didn't feed wife to ants in the 616 continuity.
Exactly. But he's not exactly the master of either subtly or tackling "big" questions, and Prometheus needed both, which is why I don't think he would have done it justice either.
I feel like we need a mix between the two. Someone who is interested in the larger ideas (like Scott), but still has a good grasp of storytelling and how to get rid of bloat (Cameron). Say what you like about Avatar, but it's story was really boiled down to it's essentials. Something Prometheus could have really done…
Haha! Yes!!
Also 2002: Another Odyssey, in which Kubrick explains that the monoliths were simply devices for delivering hallucinations to humans, and that the ending was just Bowman's hallucination as he died.
I think this was both the best & worst thing about Prometheus. Best as a really well-executed experiment in cross-media storytelling, viral marketing and world-building. Worst as they have this fully realized, multi-faceted world, and the best story they could tell within it was Prometheus. (Also, some of the things…
Yeah, the alt-text (which can't be seen on the jpg, but can be on the original website) reads: "Don't freak out on me! Freak out on Nick Bostrom; I basically stole all this from him. Luckily I'm pretty sure I was programmed to do so by the simulation so I figure: we're cool."
There's a novel in there somewhere!
Amazing! Although I think a better measure is hbar/2, with the time/energy uncertainty relation, as it's an easier thing to talk about.
As always, Ryan North has something relevant to say on the subject!
Or limits on measurement accuracy (*cough* Heisenberg *cough*)
I know! It`s awesome.
And also an alternative 10th Doctor in Curse of the Fatal Death!
Precisely. There are certain molecules that are formed almost exclusively via submersion in liquid water. One of the main things that scientists look for in these searches is these molecules. Their location in the structure of mars can tell you alot about when there was liquid there.
Whilst I am both aware and appreciative of the fact that your comment has amusing overtones, I am actually genuinely shocked that Bowie didn't do this himself......He did go to mime school after all...and I'm fairly sure he can juggle pretty well.
Haha! Yes...Sorry!
So Dark Energy is an entirely different problem, so I'll leave that aside for now. (Unless you want to hear all about it...which I can do.)
From skimming the article, it seems that the gas is ejected from the galaxies. It will have been ejected from stars therefore at great heat. This should also explain your second question. As it is ejected from the galaxy, it should be mainly clustered around the galaxy, as it is dense and slow enough such that most of…
No problem. Thanks for the article. It's nice to see some of the great work that's being done chipping away at the remaining puzzles in the universe.