She's just working on her 1000 word analysis of the use of colour in Purple Rain.
She's just working on her 1000 word analysis of the use of colour in Purple Rain.
Baby CZ enjoying a classic:…
Plus historically the movies haven't done that well for the studio. I don't know why theyd keep making them if this one doesn't do well.
Way to bury the lede there Matt!
New Star Trek film announced. Chris Pine to star, two unknowns to write.
Yeah, they're on my To Watch list too. I'm very curious about Under The Cherry Moon. I know its wildly unpopular, but something about the idea of Prince in that kind of movie is really appealing to me.
You should write a piece on Purple Rain. I'd love to read your thoughts.
Now I'm gonna spend my whole day thinking about what scenes I'd include.
I have a theory that you could cut the entirety of Community into one fantastic 2 hour movie for each character. But I think Troy's movie would be the best, most complete one.
I watched 5 episodes Stranger Things. The show is really great, and we're currently in that sweet spot you get halfway through a series where everything's still up in the air and exciting, before the (hopefully satisfying) final arc gets started.
I really think its a case of Prince not being able to stomach the idea of giving a bad performance, especially in his debut film. Or being genuinely incapable of it.
Troy is my favorite because Glover's comedic performance is absolutely pitch perfect.
But Good Britta always feels the most real to me, which is why it hurts so much when Bad Britta rears her ugly head.
The whole subplot of Prince not getting crowd reactions or being a second rate performer when compared to Morris Freaking Day is insane. Prince's performances are SO FANTASTIC and even intercutting them with shots of a bored crowd don't do anything to lessen their impact.
Yeah they kinda came out of nowhere too. I wonder what their story is.
we're 5 eps in amd its great! The writers and directers have a real handle on the tone and era they're going for and the whole thing is grounded in a real understanding of its precedents and its characters.
2 Episodes into Netflix's Stranger Things and its hitting all those great 80s Spielberg notes while telling a great, human scary story. I am officially hooked.
Me too!
Man this Majoras Mask storyline is killer eh?
I don't know why no one has animated this shit yet! They get so much fan art!
Finally a fellow intelligent, creative empath
I'm not surprised so many of you are rightys: they lack empathy, intelligence and taste in TV shows.