Matt Loewen

ADP pitch: "So, hey, you know how every story about a dog ends up with it dead?

"It’s “Merry Christmas,” not a woman named Mary Christmas."

C'mon, Coldplay, you have to take a side. I mean, how long are you gonna stand with your head stuck under the sand?

And Calendar Man is someone who only commits crimes on 9/11.

I love the way "Horseshoes and Handgrenades" kicks you in the fucking chest: "I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND"

No comment, I just like this song:

The Nostalgia Critic summed it up pretty well: "By the way, you've got something on your lip…"

Oh, c'mon: I was really looking forward to the Abrams reboot of DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, which'll just be a ripoff of ERAGON!

You mean I'm never gonna get the LAST STARFIGHTER reboot with a CGI Robert Preston???

Was looking at beer terms for a good pun, and I just learned that adding dry hops to aging beer is called "dry-hopping."

That performance: Was it over the top? I can never tell.

Carrie Fisher, roasting George Lucas at his AFI tribute dinner: "You [even] had the unmitigated gaul to let that chick - the new girl, who plays my mother, Queen Amadillo or whatever her name is - she wears a new hairstyle and outfit practically every time she walks through a door!! I mean, I bet she even got to wear

"I Want Your Sex" is a unique song: "Pt. 1&2" is nine minutes long, and at no point does the girl say Yes.

Jeez, don't give up yet!

I was going to give Jimmy Buffett credit for naming his compilation Jimmy Buffett's Greatest Hit(s) - but then I found out that the full title of that album is Songs You Know By Heart: Jimmy Buffett's Greatest Hit(s).

I'm starting to get really irritated at bands that release Greatest Hits albums called, "The Hits So Far…" Because they're SO CLEVER, right? SO CLEVER to put that in there—EVERYONE has done that, guys… :P


I dunno, wasn't Van Dyke Parks a major partner on SMILE?

Please, sirs, don't - and if you do, just do a program of the really weird Brian Wilson songs.

The very last line of the movie was excellent :)