Why not a remake of The Bucket List?
Why not a remake of The Bucket List?
I really don't like Andrew Garfield. His lip-quivering, overly-emotional style just rubs me the wrong way; I still don't understand why *he* was the one who broke out after THE SOCIAL NETWORK.
That's "Alan the Smithee," thank you.
Since we're talking about Marlowe: Machiavelli's opening speech in THE JEW OF MALTA is just wonderfully written.
Screw y'all, I thought it was pretty cool that (if I remember right), in the 2014 GODZILLA, you only saw Godzilla from other peoples' perspectives, or from a TV screen, or something else like that.
Oskar Eustis: "I have more than once compared Lin-Manuel to Shakespeare-"
Another interesting song from that album: "I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead," which you'd think is anti-establishment (maaaaaaaaaan!) - but is actually anti-hippie.
Am I right that Al's first album is underrated? It's a lot of fun, and "Happy Birthday" is one of his best songs.
"Velvet Elvis" is great; I also loved "Good Old Days" from that album as a kid.
Stephen Baldwin: "This is the year that BIO-DOME achieves classic status!"
(Incidentally, musical theater writer Russel Crouse's rap name? Ludicrouse.)
I'm afraid not.
Kylo is introduced as a badass (He stopped a bolt in midair! His voice sounds cool!) - and then, gradually over the movie, he becomes more and more of a wimp, until the ending when he loses to a first-time lightsaber user.
I was able to enjoy it because, in the back of my mind, I figured Eminem would never actually do the horrible things he raps about, or things like them. Also, he's a genuinely great writer.
And it wasn't even that good on THE EMINEM SHOW. All the super-serious tracks on that album are lumbering, no-fun elephants compared to his funny songs. (I still don't understand why "'Till I Collapse" is such a popular song with the fanbase: yeah, it's got a great beat, but Eminem doesn't have much to say over it.)
Something I found out either this year or last: Remember the track " '97 Bonnie & Clyde"? About Eminem pushing his dead ex-wife into a lake with the help of his infant daughter?
Daffy: "How's this for a team name: The Ducks!"
Bugs: "Please: what kind of Mickey Mouse organization would name their team the Ducks??"
SPACE JAM did have a couple of clever lines: