
It's not that they can't, it's that the engineering time and costs aren't worth it for punishers like EA and it's just so disappointing to see. 60fps is huge in a racing game and EA just won't pick that as a target. I have the original game on ps3 and pc, I think it's superb, but the 60fps on pc makes it the only

Man, can't even get 60fps on the base consoles?? What a fucking disappointment of a remaster

I, in fact, cannot draw a sexy picture. But yes holy wow the voice work in this game is absolutely phenomenal. Sea-daddy Poseidon is just superb

I definitely agree that XIII and it's direct sequels have this problem, and XV to a relatively large extent as well, but both XII and XIV are a lot better in that regard. XII is maybe a bit too self-serious, but the characters aren't exactly shouting their plot motivations

this is really cute and i love moving! definitely gonna check this out more

Supra is incredibly recognizable, and fun. (thanks for the image, Jalopnik)

Why did 343i make all the guns sound like fucking piss in Halo 5 and now this??

Hell yeah it is! Craig is awesome in that movie, although i remember the soundtrack largely for its licensed tunes(Hayling by FC Kahuna, Ordinary World by Duran Duran, She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult, Making Plans for Nigel by XTC)

Yeah it was on my college campus *years* ago, had current MA plates and I saw it in that parking lot relatively frequently. Never met whoever owned it

You’re a horrible take you bootlicking chud

I know not ALL cops are bad, but when the institution of law enforcement in this country is so thoroughly corrupt that across the nation there are hundreds upon hundreds of accounts of police brutality and violence from just the protests about police violence then it is a problem that every cop must atone for. For the

what is this supposed to imply? that i took a dumb picture with a weird car?

“Thankfully, the officer driving was fine”

I assume she got grandfathered into playing League before Dota 2 was around.

Sleater-Kinney member, starred alongside Fred Armisen in the show Portlandia. Various other music/comedy/acting things

Well time to plug in my external hard drive and get downloading

I lock my Legacy up almost all the time. I never lock my Miata cause. I never leave anything of value in my cars. If someone really wants to get into my Miata to rummage around for 64 cents and a couple gas receipts, be my guest. If they're gonna steal the car, I'd prefer they did it without ripping the top or

I love how excited Henry Cavill is about all of this. He's a great Geralt

I’m glad the developers finally finished up their support of Arkham Knight. Can’t believe it took their entire staff to get this DLC out there after all this time, but hey at least they weren’t crunching to get it done. They can finally move on to whatever they’re making next, i expect to see it in a few years.