do you think they’re gonna charge money for it? Cause I am pretty damn sure it’s gonna be free to play. It would be absurd if they charged money just to get in the game
do you think they’re gonna charge money for it? Cause I am pretty damn sure it’s gonna be free to play. It would be absurd if they charged money just to get in the game
Uncharted multiplayer and the multiplayer for the original Last of Us were both really really good. I think we should hold any judgments until we actually see what they’re doing with it.
1983 Mercedes Benz 300SD (W126) — John Goodman (after the actor) cause it was large, white, and got the job done.
Buc-ees is a genuinely wild thing to walk into after ~20 hours on the road overnight in a New York->Florida drive. I had never been into one and I was wholly unprepared. Enjoy it!!
I feel like you could avoid this issue by only offering one kind of tail light of completely different ones
Will I be able to buy a $500 PS5 with the black faceplates installed or am I going to be required to waste plastic and $55 ($60 w/ tax) to make the system not fugly?
The moment Bungie started vaulting content is the moment when they should have moved on to a new Destiny product. Maybe don’t call it Destiny 3, but some clean break to leave all that old content where it was, keep it available to players who want to experience it, but move much of the live services to a new “version”…
I've found the commando to be a pretty effective mid-long range gun if you are careful on the trigger and only squeezing solo shots off. I miss the Reach dmr, but the commando is most of the way there with some trigger discipline
oh yeah, that shit sucks. especially if you’re like “man, i just really want to play BTB CTF or arena slayer and nothing else” but get thrown into other game modes because they’re very generic multiplayer hoppers based on team sizes
the structure is starting to sound a lot like what Metro Exodus did compared to the previous games in that franchise. Wide open levels with distinct objectives / linear experiences peppered in between. I am more than cool with that, I loved Exodus
My only guess as to why they don’t have more distinct game mode playlists is either: want feedback regarding game types or are hedging their bets regarding player numbers and queue times
Nice mountain goats reference!!
Prey and Prey: Mooncrash are in my top 5 games of all time, and I am having a wonderful time with Deathloop for the moment. I just played Dishonored 2 earlier this year, and while I enjoyed the hell out of the levels and general encounters I also stuck to a low chaos run which feels incredibly restrictive.…
I was getting random crashes on loading saves and in gameplay. I seemed to figure that out cause it was throwing up some memory issues and I just said “I have 32gb of ram, page file no more” but I get massive stutters upon loading into a new zone for like a minute before it figures itself out. Newest drivers, ryzen…
Yeah, it’s why I am trying to not make any definitive quality judgement and maybe could have worded my original comment more as “the trailer did not get me to care about this main character or anyone else, yet.” Square Enix are super hit and miss with their trailers (FF XVI - I’m in Kingdom Hearts - I’m out)
i think nioh is very nice. this is free, there is little harm in folks checking out a game for free and making their own judgment.
I’m really hopeful that in game it all flows better and we get a better picture of this character. The trailer vo just rubbed me the wrong way, I dunno. I like the names attached to this game on the writing front (Amy hennig, Gary whitta) and am looking forward to seeing more of the game!
The dialogue, at least insofar as its implementation in the trailer, took me way out of it. I am super into how this game looks and the traversal/combat look fun but wow do i not care about this protag or any of the characters we’ve gotten brief glimpses of. I, admittedly, am not a huge fan of isekai (or stranger in a…
They could have just sat one cop at the bottom of the water tower to wait for this graffiti artist, but no. a FUCKING HELICOPTER. cops, what a fucking waste.