Matt Lauer's 40-Acre Horse Farm

Yeah, you get small collections of kids who may play around and ID differently than they will later on, because they feel free to experiment, but considering there is still a stigma associated with being trans or NB or GNC, it’s not really the ‘cool’ thing to do.

I’ve had conversations with coworkers and family members about this and I truly, truly do not understand why some people have such a visceral reaction to transgender people. To me, it’s a matter of common courtesy. You tell me your name, that’s the name I call you. Jesus. This is not fucking hard.

I have two kids; one is 14 and a young trans man, the other 11 and gender nonbinary. Both were born “female.”

I once sat next to Billy Bush at a press screening. 12-15 years ago. Before the lights went out, he was madly beating the hell out of his phone screen, texting. Then laughing to himself, then sighing. I looked over to see his text to someone: “DUUUDE, WHO CARES WHERE SHE’S FROM??? JUST TRY TO FUCK HER!!!!”

That piece will for sure be included in Rothkopf’s Greatest Hits compilation.

Speaking of hippos...I couldn’t get your hoagie piece outta my mind last night. Surrendered at 9pm, went out and got a masterpiece. Took it home, slarfed it up and then hesitated about a half-second before going back out for a second. The remaining half of #2 is calling to me from the fridge RIGHT.NOW.

I was stationed in Alabama once and asked where I could get a good grinder. They looked me in the eye and said “Home depot dumb ass”!