Matt Latham

If anything - that was the episode that fully had me like Leslie and completed her transformation from S1-Leslie to the Knope we know and love.

I keep having to remind myself that Phillip and Elizabeth are our protagonists.

Hong Kong Lockwood.

I'm surprised how much I liked Sharman as Kol. He annoyed me at first, especially with his "this is how we think British people talk" dialogue but I do like how they're trying to bring in as many Originals as possible. Then they kill him.

I wasn't the only one who thought Greer's assistant said "meeting with murders and acquisitions?"

I did once find Klaus annoying. I think that character is doing quite well, now.

We haven't really seen any of the old Eagletons yet since the own merger…

I wonder if the producers are hoping they've created their own version of Spike with Enzo. Because that's all I'm getting from him. A poor man's Spike.

My heart breaks with Barney. Every time.

"Hapley and Barkley" is a spin-off in the making.

I'm totally going Boffee.
Or is it Corry?


This is the next generation's "Yellow Crayon" moment!

*Puts on Clark's glasses*

Well that covers that! *Can fully enjoy this now*

Yeah! Reviews are back, in what has been a massively revitalised show. It's quite surprising how much the show did without Damon and Bonnie with the main cast, and even more interesting how much Bonnie has to do considering. And Damon is always best when he's annoyed at doing the right thing, so Kai is a great

If this isn't it now, I'm gonna cry….

Parallel Universes!
Maybe this has been Fringe Season 6 all along….

That five step Homeland cycle is SO TRUE.

I told myself not to worry, they play this slow dull card in the second season finale before pulling the rug under my eyes. I'll wait for the explosion and the set up for season five…