Matt Latham

Oh very. He's the MVP of this show.

I'm still bitter it took me two seasons to realise Deacon was Chip Esten from Whose Line.

I thought that. When Greer said, "we'll expand your capabilities," I was suddenly expecting him to jab a USB cable into her neck.

I've felt that the season has been quite dull for the most point, and very much dragging.

It's probably the reason he came back.

Man, I still use variations of that blackjack/hookers line ALL. THE. TIME. One of my favourites quotes from any TV show, ever.

This is the kind of stuff I'm liking this show for. It's lots of fun trying to theorise why certain stuff is happening and why Noah didn't bring this up.

NOAH: "Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus.""

Can't we just assume that he's Skeletor-in-a-mask?

So…Keith Mars was hired by the government to track down Harold?

I'm still holding on the theory that the endgame for this show is that Elias is an android AND the machine. Or Elias ends up getting involved with Samaritan. There's just no-way they can be building him up for the long term enemy (which they're doing very well) and not have him converge with the machine.

You can tell how great this episode is as I've not seen none negative comment on the this article about the episode.

Best episode ever. No question.

So this is the episode that shows that in a fight, Reese would get his ass whooped by Harold, right? Pretty much by Harold just repeatedly saying, "why you hitting yourself, John?"

He needs to turn up in The Originals. He'd solve ALL the problems immediately….

And he's okay.
He's sleeps all night and he works all day….

Agreed. The whole fake-out with Jeremy was just hilarious as I couldn't react in any other way than: "HA! He'll be back soon…."

Can't you just make that the weekly article instead of an actual review?

I'm making this canon in my mind.

I don't know why I'm always surprised at how comically gifted Terry Crews is. But I'm glad I am - as he really is unique.