Matt Latham

Same. Makes sense when you look back but had no inkling whatsoever.

Marc Macron is supposed to be Philip Jennings in a wig and glasses, right?

I keep getting narratively and creatively confused and disappointed with this series the longer it's on. Main characters getting side-lined for bizarre twists in it's own mythology. Then said characters end up with tonally-skewed sub-plots with a weak excuse to by tied in the main plot.

Gosh dammit - the idea of Jared and Monica does not disgust me. #shipping #janica #mored

I won't miss Miller too much. But god dammit this show better make sure Woods and Starr stick around forever.

My theory on the end game of the show: we cut to the present day and we see Trump take off his wig — BOOM it's Phillip!

This is now canon in my head.

Calling it now: Bighead becomes the youngest President ever by the end of the show.

"And you'll die there. Alone."

This is the best comment on The AV Club ever and I want this to be canon so, so much.

"Something-something Feliciiiiiii-ty!"

"You know what I was thinking about whilst staring at the back of your daughter's head last night? Your PROMOTION!"

"I eat people from all religions in my America! Open door policy!"

"My God…he's going to finish the whole speech."

"It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big."

Thirteen years.

As much I wonder about the effective of Curtis; now he's finally got some balls (haha - I genuinely laughed at every ball joke) it looks as if he might be more effective. I'm really warming to him and Rene as a team, too.

That's a thought. What would've happened if Oliver just pointed to Chase and went "yeah, it was his fault. He did it. It was all him. He's an absolute menace!"

Does Alias not exist in Earth-3?

"Who writes this crap, anyway?"