turns out, the reason why Yoda was so bad at keeping his students from turning to the dark side, was because he was dating Yaddle the whole time. He was a hypocrite. And they saw right through him. Eventually literally.
turns out, the reason why Yoda was so bad at keeping his students from turning to the dark side, was because he was dating Yaddle the whole time. He was a hypocrite. And they saw right through him. Eventually literally.
Biden’s campaign slogan could just as easily be “Make America Great Again” as Trump’s, with the difference being the “Again” points to, like, the 1890s for Trump and to 2013 for Biden.
Hear, hear! In PA, we’re beginning to figure out who can run against Republican Pat Toomey, who has outstayed his welcome. He’s up for re-election in 2022, but it’s never too early to get started.
It simply is NOT TRUE that Bernie “took a dream of a strong social safety net with him.”
OK, can we stop with the line that it’s a Dem’s fault (either Biden for encouraging participating, or Bernie for not dropping out sooner) that Wisconsinites had to go out on Tuesday and vote in the Primary? It’s been ALL OVER these sites for the last few days, and it sucks.
I’m confused by how many men are apparently confused by this.
“I am totally confused,” he said. “I think men are confused about all of this…this feeling of thousands of men and women who are losing due process, I’m worried about this country.”
Have you seen what they’ve done to NBA2K?
Can FIFA’s real world corruption be SO intense, that it actually extends to eSports?
This. It’s 2016 all over again. Incredibly competent woman with detailed feasible plans who crushes in the debates....gets beaten by a creepy sexist racist old billionaire who buys his way into the election.
It’s sickening. Goddamn, Americans sure don’t like smart women.
Warren was my first choice, but it’s clear now that she can’t win and that she appeals to a lot of the same voters that Sanders does. I don’t fault her for staying in as long as she has (frankly, she was clearly the best choice IMO, both for beating Trump and for actually enacting a progressive agenda, but apparently…
I recently read this article about Bernie on Vox https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/25/21152538/bernie-sanders-electability-president-moderates-data . It really took a deep dive into the data to see how electable he actually is. To make a long story short, he could win, but it would take an unprecedented…
Looking at the trilogy we got, they ain’t got any long term plan well defined sadly. Thinking the Rise of Skywalker, while being a fun watch, is canon, hurts my head. It’s an epic fan fiction that would sit well in the Extended Universe. But a cannon story... huuuuuuum.
I really don’t know what will happen to that IP…
Especially funny when you see a Disney exec get on stage at DICE and proclaim 30 minutes before Stig’s talk that “we are open for business...come license our IP and reimagine it.” In my mind, he continued “But after we get your millions in a minimum guarantee, we will use our contractual approval rights to tell you…
I would kill for a racer revenge sequel. This is the biggest problem with giving ea the exclusive license we won’t get the single and double a games only the big triple a ones.
I don’t think I’m the only one who desperately wants a new podracing game. I bet it would sell decently well. Not triple A well, but 1+mil units at least
welcome to gaming 2020
Would be nice if there was a site here that... ugh, I can’t keep up the sarcasm.
Disney should stop before they do something stupid like make a film about Han Solo when he was younger starring someone that's not Harrison Ford.