Morgan Joylighter

Especially with the ending of the previous movie being that of a child inspired by the rebellion and that their actions, particularly Luke Skywalker’s return and final stand, might have set a fire in the hearts of allies around the galaxy as word catches. 

“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.

Someone needs to mod Dandelion singing this in Witcher 3.

I kind of wish I had seen this now that I read it.

There’s a lot of things that annoy me about the Sequel Trilogy as a whole, but one of the ones that annoys me the most is the lack of Anakin.

Ita letting you know what info they got going into the show, haha. Stop being such a dork.

I’d say quitting social media and walking away shows more strength than most of us have.

I’m holding out hope it’s like Assassin’s Creed.  Sure, you can go kill Satan, solve world hunger, and introduce iron age civilizations to ground glass lenses so they can develop science, but then you get booted out for deviating from what the protagonist actually did.  :D

I don’t understand any of this.

I am so old and so dead inside that I do not understand why the Hulu comment is a sick burn.

We always start with nailing the key user-journey and then proceed with releasing extra features. YouTube started with ‘watch video.’...

Deadspin is now a middling blog about sports, but it wasn’t always that way:

They’re playing the Berhalter system down there now too. Lots of meaningless possession with predictable attacks. Easy to defend against, easy to counter attack against. We need to eliminate this influence from US Soccer as quickly as possible.

“’We’re going to do something,’ Blank said.”

What kills me is the GSW hardcore eagerly awaiting WCS like he’s the answer.

3-9 is more likely.

Flacco Manager 2020 

Yeah! The Suns, Blazers, and Jazz are really good! That’s why we lost to them by 29, 10, and 32, respectively!

They need to PIVOT away from video faster and harder.