Batman *would* be the bottom in that relationship.
Batman *would* be the bottom in that relationship.
Correct. Good work. Pretty simple, isn't it?
You guys are so full of crap/self-loathing. Justine Ezarik is extremely cute. Most of you nerds would pee your pants if she spoke to you.
Remember the "shark attacks" hysteria that summer when there were actually no more than usual? Same deal. Media gets bored. Media makes up "trends".
@ringer81: There were really very few flying cars in Blade Runner and seemed to be limited to Police and possibly the super-rich. I think we're closer to that than we think.
@orionx3000: I'm not sure Blade Runner is that far off the mark. Most of what you see may well be possible by 2019. Dirty, massive, modern urban landscapes...LA, Tokyo, NYC, Dubai...very similar to the LA from Blade Runner. Some limited flying autos? Police, etc. By 2019? I'd say yes. Robots identical to humans? Well,…
Crazy talk. There are some decent stories there but the Claremont/Wolverine is *the* defining story. Everything that comes after is based on that characterization. Overcoming the baser parts of his nature, and thus his programming, is the essence of the whole character. It is, in many ways, the only Wolverine story…
@Whitworthian: Completely. The rest of this stuff in mostly fanboy droolery. The Claremont/Miller story is the one that addresses the major character point of Wolvie's existence.
@Robusto68: Absolutely. The story that made Wolverine, *Wolverine*.
@Daveinva: Bingo, son. Plain. True. Good job.
@Titor: "This is why modern movies very rarely achieve true moments of intimate, powerful, emotional drama."
Awesome! They should consider doing a non-fiction version, too!
Assange is one of many, many spoiled white boy westerners who get off by screwing around with western governments that he knows will never seriously harm him. When he releases classified information about China, North Korea, or Iran then I'll be impressed.
Boo. Super nerdy. Not very awesome.
I guess I just live among a lot of nerds. I don't know *any* of my friends who aren't going to see Tron on opening night.
It's ridiculous, yes, but probably the only option left. There are very few punishments or disincentives left for teachers to utilize in public schools. Kids if my room used to break pencils into five or six chunks (same with erasers) just to have things to throw at one another. In a sane world, we'd kick the first…
@maniaq: This is sort of indicative of a larger point: Raiders of the Lost Ark is not some kind of masterpiece except by very low standards.
@DfizzleShizzle: Drop the PC nonsense. Everyone is over it. Of *course* not every Muslim is evil. Of *course* most Muslims are decent people. No one is arguing that point. Find a real battle to fight.
Some of you are in massive denial/Apple hatred.
As Matt Stone (Co-creator of South Park) so wisely put it: