
@TNash: Wow, that's borderline idiotic, dude. Maybe you can't imagine it because your life is so cozy and happy but what about a wife calling the police on an abusive husband? Or Germans hiding Jews from the Nazis. Or someone's private sex life? There are literally a million things that someone might do that are

She's got to be joking. No one is that big of an asshole. I can't stand Microsoft but my kid has a 360...because he's a good kid and that's what he wanted for Christmas. Hard to believe that an educated person would really adopt that kind of an attitude.

There is no ambiguity. There never was. The top wobbles. It is going to fall. Not a dream. The end. Anyone saying anything else is trying (and failing) to gin up estimates of their intelligence in the saddest possible way.

Got news for some of you that don't know much about Apple or Steve Jobs. He doesn't give a *crap* what you think or say. He didn't care when Apple kicked him out and he didn't care when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. Do you *seriously* think he cares now that Apple is on top of the world? His

Gizmodo is a joke now. It's nothing more than a seedy hangout for all the Apple haters. Have fun with it.

The 'wrong way' in the article is wrong. Your reception would be fine that way. The lower left gap in the antenna has to be completely engulfed by your hand so that there is no gap and you have to hold it that way for a a while before the process starts. A casual grip that has some sight connection through the skin

My favorite line, "I don't like the look of this V-Giny!"

@Nathan OBZZZZZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZ: This is how the Disney digital books work. The kid reads three or four pages and then is rewarded with a clip from the movie, a song, or a short interactive game relevant to where they are in the story before moving on to some more reading.

@modestmouse: Wrong-o. I'll enjoy the first generation iPad now and the second when it comes out and the third when it comes out...

"That sounds about right, but at $99 it'd be a guaranteed home run."

Agreed with those who say the FF should not be dark and gritty. The past FF movies were just unsophisticated and goofy. The FF just plain needs to be smarter and funnier. Not darker.

I agree with the posters who invoke talent.

I don't care what any of the analysts say, but I am getting annoyed at the lack of good FPS for the Wii because there is *no reason* for it. Specifically, Resident Evil 5.