
Good to see our tax dollars at work. I figure if it could survive being flung in and out of Earth's atmosphere, a 55 MPH dunk in the ocean shouldn't phase it much.

Of course they're evil! Goggle is just like any other business. They're in it to make money. They exist for one sole purpose...

I caught the unedited version. So much awesome.

Hey, At&t, can we go to Macaroni later? I like to eat after I get FUCKED.

You may have never known this about Ulysses S. Grant, but over 130 years ago, he authorized the sale of some land in the Salt River Valley for $550, and triggered the sudden growth of Phoenix, Arizona, today, America's 5th largest city, and one of the most uniformly awful places in the forty-eight states. Later in

Unknown?!? I'm a big Taj Mahal fan. I sat front row when he played at the Cascade Theater in Redding, CA in 2005. And yes, I got the goose acne too.

@samwize11: Agreed. In this scenario, any landing that you walk away from would be deemed successful in my book.

We. We've lost that loving feeling.

Now playing

OH FFS! That was nothin! This guy did it IN a stadium full of people.

The Legos made me giggle.

@Dunkelz: Yeah, seriously. I imagine things could get pretty messy right around this thing.


Save $1600, man up and grow a beard. Why voluntarily drag sharp metal things across your skin?

Where does all of At&t's money go? You figure with all this nickel and diming of their customers, there would have to be this huge pile of money that they could use to make their network, ya know, not suck. Wonder what they're spending it on.

It's too bad that the typical hospital loses on average $2000 for each one of these procedures. (at least in California anyways)

The whole country's going to be spotless in a week, mark my word.

Bunch a people from Oregon were in town that weekend.

@16-bitgirls: I agree. I guess Mr. Jovi's impending obscurity is making him kind of forgetful. Kind of like how he forgot that shitty music and greedy record labels are what is killing the industry, and that iTunes probably accounts for a quarter of his income. Shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you, Mr. Jovi.