
Looks like it'd be a bitch to clean. Pretty though.

What smartphone?

What you did there. I see it.

I guess some are just used to holding small things in their hand all the time. I have a very hard time relating though.

Only a fool would keep his ID and credit/debit card attached to what could be your only means of communication, as losing all simultaneously could potentially fuck up one's day/vacation.

It looks surprised.

My childhood water-park is still around. Waterworks Park in Redding, CA. I went there when there were just 4 slides and a kiddie-pool.

It also doesn't work on rust.

I think the LHC might get better gas mileage than the Rover.

Mt. Shasta!! I can see that mountain out of my window right now as I type. It's a very special part of California.

Psst! Hey! Your egocentrism is showing!

If I had to guess, I'd say this video was from some sort of on-board dash cam. No cinematographer is that steady when impending doom is sliding towards them.

No better place to showcase modern design and engineering than the hood.

Son of a... me too!

But what they don't tell you is that the vets toss the cat-boards around the OR similar to the fish market guys in Seattle.

Why does the iPad need a Facebook app? With the exception of uploading pictures, (which the double-pixeled iPhone version works fine for in a pinch) what's an app going to do that the web browser version can't? Why waste the HD space?

Then maybe. Just maybe.

Safety line, net, parachute... you still wouldn't catch my ass up there.

Mach 25 > 55 MPH